The world inventions: On using the PET scan to treat different diseases, and being faced with giving the equal offering to many patients, and being engaged with competition in the offering, and with giving justice to the markets!


You know, PET scan is a good technology that has come to be here quite a long time, and there are ethical questions about which patients to treat, and why this is like it is, and in some countries you find extended use in relation to other countries, and that means that people working in the hospitals are quite more liberally concerned than other places in the world.

We should be the best in all sciences in all the environments which I am faced with meeting people having a long education, and being clever in research, and we should compete all days in life to be the best academic persons whatever, and to be engaged with solving every problem which is on the agenda.

There are more PET scans in some countries than there is in other countries, and this means that we are using the technology on the patients when we have it here, and sometimes the use is restricted to just something. And PET scan stands for Positron Emission Tomography scan, and that means that we can go through the body, and find if there is something strange or something wrong which should not be there. And which patients should have this offering and which should not have it, and often the case of using it or not is a question of life or death, and therefore we should try to get enough economic support via the state budget, and the government and the parliament should support helping people from being sick to getting well.

PET scan is used to identify different diseases like for instance cancer, heart disease and brain disorders. And therefore, such a technology is important to have both in the hospital and among doctors treating medicine and physics and mathematics as just the best human bodies are living and working with us, really have got their knowledges within. And the human body is being inside it, and simultaneously thinking what this is not. And how the body is functioning with and without diseases.

The first persons discovering the positron imaging device to the help for the human body, were done by Gordon Brownell and William Sweet at the Massachusetts General Hospital during the 1950s. And this means that the United States should be in the front of making a machine to the help of identifying trouble and problems in the human body. And this device could go through all bodies, and every attempt anywhere is done by humans, and we should not think in other directions that there are human bodies being responsible for what has been going on in the past, what is happening just now, and what is going to happen in the future.

The doctors can make various diagnoses on the patients, and they can find the treatment or how to solve the different diagnoses that they are finding during the days they are working. The PET scan can be used to trace both normal and abnormal metabolic activity. Metabolic activity is concerned about building up body tissues and energy stores to breaking down the body tissues and the energy stores. And hence, the PET scan is used to find if there is something wrong or something in trouble with the human body. And we are competing from hospital to hospital to give the best treatment, and this will last through the whole life, and if you have been the best from being a little child, we deserve to be best forever and ever, and that is how the psychology is within the human body.

So, people deserve to be treated seriously and with self care to be operated with dignity and understanding of their lives just like they are, and all humans have equal value, and we cannot find any variable and factor that is different from the patients than being inside the brain, the heart and the body for the doctors. And there is an infinite world space, and therefore every human making a philosophy and a function of own life, will have trouble with the explanation, but that is true to any times at any place on the earth.

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Sverre Larsen

Kristiansand, Norway


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