SQL Server - How to Perform CRUD Operations in SQL Server

Learn How to Perform CRUD Operations in SQL Server. What is SQL Server CRUD operations, this is what we are going to find out in this tutorial. Basically when we create a database we do the operations which makes it easy to add, remove, delete the content from the database.

I decided to create a visual instructional video on this topic. I made the video and posted it on the YouTube. Basically by the end of this video, you are going to see how to use the SQL Server management studio. You would learn pretty simple way. If you have SQL Server Installed, if not then check out SQL Server 2019 Install on Windows.

If you are interested in checking out the Video instructions, you should check out the video.

First step that we do when we create a database in the SQL Server is we create a table. In such case we use the CREATE Query. After creating the table, the next immediate step that we take is adding the data into the table.

Now that we have added the data into the table, we have to think of the INSERT query. This query adds the data into the table - columns and rows. Now after that say you want to update the data into the table, you have to use the UPDATE query. This is pretty cool.

Next step would be using the DELETE query for removing the row and columns. And when you want to display the data to the users, you make use of the SELECT query on the table. Which makes all the data to be displayed on console based on the query parameters.


You can visualize the whole queries like the below infographic. It makes things easier for you to view. I personally prefer the below graphic for you to understand the queries easier for the CRUD operations.

This part for the CRUD operation can be done on console, powershell, SQL Server management Studio and also using any other tool. You can also do this using the Driver and language of your choice. This makes it easy to do the interface work.

Like say you have Node.js or the Python language installed on system. And you want to install the driver for the SQL Server and then make use of the driver to interface. And then you can use the CRUD operations on those database. It makes things easier to work with as well.

If you like the content, do keep tab on it through my Youtube Channel and the tutorial. This makes things easier to work with SQL Server if you learn from the simple instructions like I explained in this video and the tutorial. So hopefully you find this post useful.

If you happen to view the content, do give me feedback over there and that would help me improve my efforts in near future.

3 columns
2 columns
1 column