Selling Gold to buy Money.


It is said that knowledge is power but I say "money is authority".
I grew up with the Idea that what we dream of becoming in future is determined from primary school. What we have passion for is what we are made of and that is what we are willing to do without a penny. In primary six (6) I wish to be a Lawyer and some wish to be Doctor, Midwifery, Nurse, Pilot, Soldier, and etcetera.
When I was in high school,it change whom I once wish to be in future. I have this thought to be an inventor of new technologies that will help the world, I designed a little car to move to and fro using DVD motors, microphone batteries, radio tape belt, empty cans and plastic rubbers, and also had a plan of designing a helicopter that will fly. I thought I could have a toy car company at my age but I get to understand that money that man made is everything to the world, it's fuel to earth development of our Economy, Education, Health, Agriculture, and all the remaining sections
Why 90% of Nigerians attend school is not to be educated but rather to increase income (salary). Nigerians attend secondary so to have the minimum requirements demanded of companies and government organizations for employment.
Secondary school qualifications are no more regarded as anything So University and Colleges are now the major concern of citizens to leave as average Nigerian and been paid an average money.
B.sc, B.Tech, BA, and so on becomes the fortune for Nigerian students and overwhelming the schools facilities and learning more of theories with deficiency in practicals in labs and field works.


I have notice that most master student's in the University of Lafia, Nasarawa State Nigeria, were I school are workers. The 90% of masters student's are government workers who actually are furthering there education to increase their salary scale through promotion at work places and 5% of masters student's are individual and remaining 5% are sent by companies to improve skills and knowledge on a particular field of there interest to help them increase the company production and income.


We are often found of building our salaries not our personality.
We don't seek knowledge to improve the security defence of the country.
We don't seek knowledge to explore more opportunities of research areas and solve problems.
We don't seek knowledge to be good leaders (politicians) rather to embezzle the country's resources.
We don't seek knowledge to build our communities but to destroyed each other.


Knowledge is power and money is authority. We must learn to build a man to build a nation. Please lets build ourselves and community with knowledge and intelligence.

Authority automate power to work
Apostle Sam Diko

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