Our Children! Our Future!

We talk about various crises – political, economic, family, and more. Small issues often escalate into significant problems over time. How parents raise their children is a crucial issue for them because ensuring the right upbringing and education guarantees a crisis-free society in the future.

Our children are, after all, our future. In American television, Mr. Rogers had a show about children. He said, 'If someone wants to do something good for their country, their nation, the world, they should first raise their own children with love and make them good human beings.' But we often neglect this opportunity. We either don't want to or can't give time to our children. According to psychologists, children need safety, protection, respect, recognition, and trust the most. Don't they need our love, affection, and care?"


However, that's a matter for much later. Love is something we can give to our children anytime, in any way. Whether it's during work hours, spending time with the family, naptime, or waking up in the morning. Broken—whenever an opportunity arises, that's when we can shower our children with affection. But when we get angry or when they make a mistake, we scold them severely.

We disrespect them in front of everyone, keeping the pressure of expectations on them constantly. To be like this, to be like him, to perform well in exams, we compare them with others and throw them into competition. And if at any time the children cannot fulfill our expectations, we insult them in various ways. However, in difficult times, they seek refuge with us, a little security, a little respect, and recognition.

If a child is blamed or punished for a mistake, they may perceive themselves as inherently flawed. Instead of assigning blame, guide them toward behavioral change. Often, parents tend to blame one another for their child's mistakes, fostering a culture of mutual blame that encourages the child to repeat those mistakes. Scientifically proven, punishing or threatening doesn't lead to a resolution. Ethical and just conduct from parents and teachers is crucial in shaping a child's moral compass.

Wanting to change children's behavior without changing one's own is not just imprudent but also futile. Whether you are a father, mother, or a teacher, it is essential to maintain emotional closeness with your child or student. A relationship that allows them to express their thoughts openly creates a friendly and supportive bond.


Parents or teachers, by exhibiting fair, discerning, and civilized behavior, not only help in building the child's self-esteem but also guide them away from unjust and unethical paths. Confidence is a potent tool; if used to change the world, they risk losing it. Derived from Socratic philosophy, the principle "Know thyself" emphasizes self-awareness—a guiding philosophy to grasp one's true potential, an idea Socrates embraced from the Oracle of Delphi.

Self-awareness means being the master of the improbable possibilities of human potential. To actualize these improbable possibilities, one must engage in self-reflection. Through introspection, human flaws are identified, and through self-improvement, one can elevate oneself. In today's society and educational system, students navigate a tumultuous, competitive, and exhilarating time. Rabindranath Tagore said, "Excitement and power are not one; they are opposed. Because at an excited moment, we are at our weakest, and at an excited moment, our intellect/reason does not function."

As students are inherently unstable, it is vital not to speak excessively but to convey a few meaningful words. Family is a significant power. Students are undoubtedly powerful. Friends have various influences on us. However, the family is crucial. Do not forsake the family. Detaching from the family can lead to various issues. Often, individuals succumb to addiction. Communicate with the family at any time in any way. If not, seek help from friends or relatives.

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