The post-pandemic educational process.

Dear readers, the situation concerning the pandemic has ceased a little in some countries as is the case of my country Venezuela, which for several months has been teaching university education in a semi-face-to-face way, especially those curricular units that have to develop a practical theoretical content. At the beginning of the pandemic we were not prepared to teach purely virtual classes, because the educational system was purely oriented to face-to-face education, therefore, the training of teachers regarding the use of technological tools for the socialization of knowledge was very scarce, not to say that it was null.

Public domain image taken from PIXABAY

When we refer to the use of technological tools it is not related to the use of computers or any other device, but with the use of platforms that are used as ZOOM that allows direct interaction with students to impart knowledge and the assignment of activities. In the case of those of us who write on platforms such as hive on academic topics related to our area of study, it made things a little easier for us, because we had developed much of the content of the subjects we teach, therefore, such material was socialized and discussed with students turning the hive platform into a site for academic consultation.

In the current post-pandemic situation, in the university sector it is thought that a blended learning education should give good results, but for this, it is important to provide academic training on the use of communication tools, possibly the implementation of academic diplomas can guide all academic staff in terms of dissemination, evaluation and monitoring of academic activities assigned, because otherwise each teacher would implement different methodologies.

Public domain image from Flickr

The university institutes can create their own technological tools so that all the teaching staff is focused on the use of the same technology and can make improvements of it as a whole according to the needs of each institution, because the university teacher must have important qualities that optimize the educational process. But the training should not be directed only to the teacher, it should also take into account the students who, of course, are the fundamental axis of the educational process. This is mentioned because of the experience we have had during the previous academic periods in which the lack of skills and knowledge about the use of technological tools to carry out these activities has become notorious.

n the case that corresponds to us in the career of agricultural production engineering, some of the theoretical bases can be taught virtually and of course the rest of the content in a practical way in the field where the student has the opportunity to learn by doing.

Dear readers, the teaching process is based not only on the level of knowledge that a teacher has, it is also necessary to have effective communication so that knowledge can be transmitted efficiently, it is not about improving education but to transform it, for this, we educators must be in line with the new methodologies that can be implemented to transmit knowledge.

Thank you for staying until the end.

From agrotecnia we reiterate our gratitude to our followers and all the communities that value our content, this commits us to continue sharing quality information with the whole hive.

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