Snow Leopard - Lets gather some facts

Read the following and then gather your own facts

This beautiful cat is endangered. It means that if it is not protected, there will not be any left in a few years. It is listed as vulnerable. It is so sad what humans are doing to nature.



The snow leopard has adapt for life in the cold atmosphere of the central Asian mountains, including the Himalayas. That means it can easily live in very cold areas. Some of the adaptions are the small ears that allows it to hold on to heat, and long strong hind legs to jump across cliff to cliff, and also huge
paws making them able to walk over snow easily.

The females are able to give birth every other year, and males and females are around the same size, but the male is mostly a little bigger. They have very long tails compared to other cats since they need better balance to jump over cliffs.

The snow leopard it more closely related to the tiger than the leopard.

Every country has a national animal and the snow leopard is Pakistan’s.

Their scientific name is ‘Panthera uncia’ the word Panthera comes from Latin for panther, but uncia has an interesting history. It’s from an old French word that was used for the animal lynx.

The tail can be nearly as long at their body and it is also very thick and is used to store fat and when they sleep they put their tail over their face to keep warm.

It is quite rare to actually see one in the wild, since they are very skittish and shy animals. They are also more active at dusk and before dawn so will mostly sleep during the day.

They only come together to mate, and the cubs stay with their mother for less than two years before going into the world alone.

People estimate that the amount of snow leopards left in the wild is 8478 of them.

May these beautiful animal be protected for the future generation.

Watch the video for extra information and make a summary of all the facts you gathered. You can also read more here.


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