Amusing English. Lesson 2 : To Smell a Rat..Oh, No..

Greetings, dear readers and authors of the Education community.Our lesson today is about rats. You may say that it's terrible.


Does anyone love these animals? I know that some people keep rats as pets. Well, tastes differ. But we have an English lesson with you, and we study idioms related to animals, and in English there are many expressions about rats.

One of them is: TO SMELL A RAT . Don't be scared! You don't actually have to sniff the rat. This expression is used when someone suspects that something goes wrong, when you feel you are deceived.

Another interesting expression sounds: TO HAVE RATS IN THE ATTIC. This does not mean that rats live in your attic, oh horror, because they usually live in the basement. This means that a person is a bit strange, he is a little inadequate, or even crazy.


The following expression: RAT RACE is probably familiar to many of you.Although, perhaps, in some languages it does not exist. In Russian there is an analogue: to spin like a squirrel in a wheel. Well, the English expression means intense, hard work, great competition and a vicious circle from which it is difficult to get out.

And finally the expression: PACK RAT. It means a person who hardly parts with old things, accumulates all sorts of junk. For example, I immediately throw out old things or give them to those who need them.

And what do you do with some very old things?

That's the end of lesson 2.

I wish everyone new knowledge and sunny mood!

To be continued..

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