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“For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.”
‭‭S. Matthew‬ ‭18‬:‭20‬ ‭RV1895‬‬

Today’s verse is one that always confused me when I was young, because our Lord is everywhere. It’s only as I grew older and started to read the Bible more lovingly did I notice it’s about working our differences out in a respectful, loving, and Christian nature.

Of course, this should be obvious, but why can it be so difficult. Growing up in a Christian community and Christian school, I saw differences between the Christian community and the outside community, but deep down, the differences weren’t that big.

There was still bullying in my school. There were still clicks, haters, loners, misfits and other parts of human society. It expands to certain denominations hating others and saying they aren’t Christian. It’s so sad.

I really wish we, as followers of Christ, could really put this in our hearts and solve disagreements with Christ.
Image from YouVersion
