The resolution, Billions 7 season! Chapter 12

Hello addicts series. Today I bring you the summary of the last episode of the Billions season and actually also the last episode of the series. It has been a fantastic series in my opinion. Although, like in most series, I always have the feeling that they resolve the issues too quickly, they want to do it all on the last day.
First of all, as always, if you don't like spoilers, it's time to stop reading.

We had been left in a face to face between Mike and the gang where it seemed that Mike had delivered the final blow thanks to adding the Democratic candidate to his campaign. But we could imagine that there was a cat in the bag and this chapter did not disappoint us in that regard.

Mike promises them happiness but suddenly and overnight he loses all of his money. And you don't have to leave the chickens in the care of the fox or an algorithm in this case.
But things go further and in the chapter we are shown how everyone except Scooter has betrayed Mike. And the gang has been able to convince everyone and place them in the right position for the right moment.
What can we say? Mike runs out of money and that means he ends up not being a candidate. Without money there is no presidency, things of the oldest democracy in the world.
And now that he is left to us? Well, as AXE says "Earn money, bastards"

Source: Official trailer for the seventh season.

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