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I'm glad to watch this action thrilling film. Great white knuckle the edge of your seat action movie. This is an actual action film made by Jhon Lyde.

This movie tells us that you should never mess with a military person especially when he is a combat expert, brave, experienced, cold-blooded killer, merciless terrorist executioner. Even a retired army man one who has seen war and death cheated death and went on dozens of dangerous missions and operations putting their life on the line that we don't know or have any idea about it that would happen.

Their missions and operation operate so confidentially many members don't know what they are going to do next. They are like the ghosts, you can't see them but you know they are doing many things in the darkness of the night.

The military man never compromised any offense. They are a different breed of human beings who doesn't fear death but only fears losing their brothers in arms who will do anything and even sacrifice their lives for their comrades fighting alongside.

I don't understand why practically all of those military personnel become homeless after serving their country and approaching retirement, or why their government renounces them after swindling them of everything and leaving them defenceless and hopeless.

This is a very serious thing which needs to be fixed right away because this is the main reason why soldiers hates their own country and government after everything they have done for their country that they once loved and sworned in to protect her at any cost.Those retired and even currently serving soldiers deserves every single bit of our respect without any questions instead of turning their back on them.

In this movie might be the director wanted to spread this concept over the country or the world.


Overell I can say this is not the greatest movie out there but it's a decent action movie. It has one of the better plots, and while the acting isn't great, if you can keep your eyes on the screen long enough, you'll be able to appreciate some terrific fighting scenes that are well planned, realistic, well timed, and most all, well edited.

If you really only like action then go and watch maybe you will enjoy the movie, but if you want to find perfection then leave it. Exactly it deserve 3 star out of 5 to my opinion.