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I just watched the movie Coraline don't know why but the trailer piqued my interest a bit. I’ve noticed some elements of expressionism and existentialism, and I’d like to explore and discuss them with you—if you’ve seen it.

First of all, the film is a stop-motion animation that follows the story of Coraline, a young girl who moves with her parents into an old house. Feeling neglected and bored, she discovers a secret door that leads her to a parallel world. At first, this world seems to be a perfect version of her reality, with parents who love and care for her. However, she soon discovers that things are not what they seem, and she must confront the Other Mother to save herself and her real family.

The expressionist elements I identified in the film include:

  • The dark and distorted visual style reminiscent of German expressionist films like The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari.

  • The angles, shadows, and color combinations are often intense and contradictory, creating a sense of unease and isolation.

  • The characters, especially the Other Mother, have distorted features that reflect their internal conflicts and hidden intentions. The buttons instead of eyes are an excellent example of this stylistic choice.

Next, the existentialist elements that stand out are when Coraline grapples with her identity and her desire to find herself in a world that often seems indifferent and hostile. Her search for the “perfect” family and ideal life reflects existential concerns about authenticity and self-realization. The film raises questions about the freedom of choice and the consequences of our actions. Coraline must choose between her real family and the imaginary one. This choice portrays the existentialist philosophy that we are responsible for our choices and that these shape our existence. Therefore, the sense of isolation and Coraline’s existential anxiety are central themes in the movie, with her silent and lonely moments as she wanders through the empty and strange world of the Other Mother, representing the existential state of being alone in the world and searching for meaning.

In summary, Coraline is a film that deeply explores philosophical issues through expressionism and existentialism. It definitely made me think and reflect, and I concluded that it’s worth our time without any unnecessary fluff.