Swarm: Stung - Episode 1 - Personal Thoughts


This is a tutorial on how to make bad decisions in life, go broke and end up in jail or dead. This TV Series is very graphic and explicit with sexual content and blood.

Last night I watch the first episode of SWARM, the picture above is part of the marketing and its everywhere you look for SWARM, right from the start you know that whats coming is pure a F*ing metric ton of blood and killing.

Even though it discuss me I have to say is great because I'm sure that's the plan of Donald Glover the creator, the way its film, the background music, the swarm sound every time Dre became stress gives you the feel that something twisted is going to happen, from that point this series is awesome and if you are into this type of series, like for example DAHMER, I saw a few episodes and then stop since there were things that were just too sick and twisted for me, I don't want to feel depress, sad and feel about to vomit every two episodes that's just not me. For some people I'm over reacting but consider its just not my preference, but I still give it a chance and stop if its too much for me, the first episode was already a bit depressing.

SWARM has a great cast from the hand of a great creator, Donald Glover.
Dominique Fishback - Dre
Chloe Bailey - Marissa
Damson Idris - Khalid
Kiersey Clemons - Rashida
Leon - Harris

RTT: https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/swarm


The series is based on Houston, looking online for pop starts born in Houston Beyonce came up, not saying the show is about her fans, but at some point I'm sure Donald also thought about this.

Show is about the life of Dre, a hard core fan of a pop star Ni'Jah who she consider a goddess and every woman on the planet adore her, all she does is live her life around Ni'Jah, constantly checking social media, whats new about her, you know how it is.

Dre is basically broke, looks like she works minimum wage, her best friend Marissa lives with her, they both rent an apartment barely make it for rent and food.


Marissa and her boyfriend seem abusive, that type of person who think is your friend but its not, always asking favors, taking advantage, making you do things for them and repay you with kisses and I love you.


At this point we clear that Dre is barely making, finance are bad, but she will do what ever it takes to meet her idol, she bought two tickets to a Ni'Jah concert that cost her $1800, here she tells Marissa boyfriend, Kahlid, she got tickets and taking Marissa with her, Dre literally said "...its Ni'Jah we all have to make sacrifices" after she was told she broke and cant afford tickets.

Things start to get bad real fast, its 0 to 100 real quick, a set of events start to happen after Marissa ask Dre to cover for her on her shift at the mall where she works on a small t shirt kiosk.


Here is a good example why Marissa is abusive, she was smoking weed with Dre and instead of waking her up and both go together to the Mall she left Dre pass out, Dre was late because of that, but in Dre submissive fashion she takes the fault. Erica, Marissa boss is a btch and already hating on Dre for been late.


At the mall Khalid visits Dre and ask her for advice, he wants to buy Marissa a perfume, while they were talking he tell her he saw her spying on him and Marissa "you don't have no virgin for ever" , Dre turns around and walks away but for her F*ing bad luck some guys decided to spray paint the kiosk and mess up all the t shirts too, Dre end up calling Marissa to pick her up.


Because of the last event Marissa gets mad at Dre and is leaving the house, she is moving with Khalid even after Dre told her what happen with him at the mall.

  • Dre is late to cover Marissa because she was smoking weed with her
  • Dre leaves the kiosk alone to help Khalid
  • Kahlid insinuate to Dre at the Mall
and everything is Dre fault? come on who needs enemies with friends like that, yes Dre is too naive but she is just trying to be good and helpful to others, its part of live, grow up, kill or be killed, survive, no other description.


Ni'Jah release a new album and this was Dre face while watching the release video, social media post come up saying "this is what an orgasm feels", Dre decides to go out alone and pick up a guy at a club, spends the night with him. Back at his apartment she finds out her phone ran out of battery and Marissa was texting her, she got into a fight with Kahlid and is leaving, she find out he was cheating on her. Every time Dre comes stress or exited about something the Swarm sound comes up, love that detail.


Dre comes back home, Ni'Jah concert tickets have arrive, surprise surprise, her best friend is laying dead on her bed. Dre goes into a massive mental meltdown, cant afford bills and probably soon be evicted, I get this idea because a moving company comes in and takes everything, she end up sitting at the floor alone.


She goes to a store to buy a Coke but she drops the bottle, here is where Dre taste blood for the first time, she takes a piece of glass and tries to squeeze it hard with her hand until she is all F up dripping blood.

Latter on she dress up and goes to Marissa funeral only to be kick out by the family, they don't want Dre present and ask her to leave.


Dre decided to visit Khalid, seems this was her choice, Khalid didn't invite her, they start talking and he mention how they were fighting that night, Dre tell him he didn't go to the funeral, he starts crying but it felt it was fake, he look like he was trying to fuck Dre, she goes nuts takes what look like a salt rock lamp and attack from the behind, he falls and she start smashing his head until she is all cover in blood.

They don't show Khalid head all smash but its enough with how Dre look, crazy, bloody, she starts eating what ever was in the fridge, total madness but at the end looks like she realize what she have done.

This TV Series has a great message for kids 15+ I would say with parents supervision would be ok to watch, tells them exactly how bad things can go when you take that path of living alone too early without been mature enough, you can do it but at least be mature about you actions and the consequences that may come with it.

Social media and fanaticism a perfect cocktail for self destruction.

Love everything about the production and the script, actors were great, music and how its film is great too, does look like a movie and not just a tv series.

This was just the first episode, Im expecting things to get worst and Dre becoming a serial killer who loves it, look at the cover she probably cleaning some body blood she killed and singing like she love it.

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