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Shogun (2024): Servants of Two Masters - Episode 2 - RECAP


Shogun (2024) is turning into one of the best TV series I have seen ever, I think many viewers agree been that its online score remains so high after every episode, every scene is interconnected even though there are many characters on this story every single one of them have to do with the other in the middle of this war that is starting to shape up, consider there was already a war going on specially against Yoshii Toronaga but this war is expanding potentially putting part of Japan against Portugal leading this front will be Toronaga, things about to get very very spicy but first he needs to find a way out of Osaka, he already accomplish to delay and cause some division amount the rest of the council but there still a lot more to be done so he can go back home, most likely taking Anajin John with him.
Source First thing I would like to mention from this episode is the Taiko's Samurai Armor, the thing is so beautiful, all shiny, glowing with yellow and orange details even has a mustache probably representing his age and wisdom.
Taiko is ill and dying, everyone knows this, he first offer Yoshii to be the regent leader but he knew this would be the perfect excuse for this enemies to gather up and kill him for the power and taking over the throne, Taiko Toyotomi Hideyoshi knew Toronaga was smarter than that so he had already papers done where the council will be the five most powerful men of Japan including Toronaga and all decisions have to be taken under one common agreement.
The Portuguese first intention was to get John killed for piracy but based on his journal he knows more than they though, even some of the Portuguese secrets that it was on their best interest to keep hidden from the rest of Japan, without direct intentions Toronaga will discover this, an event that will change everything and divide the Catholic Church and Japan including the Regent Council turning this entire story into a free for all match.
Teasing and incentivizing the split of the other four members of the council, Toronaga schedule an audience with John, he had no interest on him but what he can represent, within the council there are Catholic members who would consider John's presence disrespectful and would be eager to finish him as soon as possible before moving forward with any other business and Toronaga knew this, he is a very smart man part of this because as a kid he was offered as a hostage what is consider a high honor and learn from other enemies.
Toronaga's audience with John had a Portuguese father Martin Alvito and Toda Mariko as interpreters, Toronaga didn't fully trust the Catholics so he had one of his clan who knew Portuguese to be present. Audience was interrupt by Ishido Kazunari who consider it absurd and disrespectful falling into Toronaga's trap, Ishido's presence there add certain importance to the audience forcing others to pay attention, meaning the other members of the council so it work out perfectly, John was detain and by now Toronaga had what he wanted from him, he didn't mean anything to him anymore.
Mariko was the first one to understand Toronaga's plan before everyone else but there was no certainty that it would work, not even Toronaga knew this for a fact but been there are their mercy it was his only chance and hope for at least delaying things and buy him some more time before the council dictate measures against him with the most possible outcome of death for him and his entire clan.
The next morning everything work out just perfectly, when Ishido and the three other members of the council meet to take actions against Toronaga there were higher matter to touch besides Toronaga but not for Ishido who demand from the other members to vote on Toronaga and then they can move into other business but religion and honor are first, Toronaga is political, this situation has created a delay on Toronaga's future but he is not out of danger, once John is executed then Toronaga would be next.
Ishido makes a move incentivize by his anger against the members of the council who decided to pause Toronaga execution also after Yabushige planted distrust on Ishido against them, only working on this own benefit Yabushige suggested John could be a powerful ally in case the other members of the council decided to go against him. Ishido decided to take John under his protection, probably fake his death but never realize Yabushige was working for Toronaga at the same time although he knew about it but was probably not 100% certain, Yabushige rescue John and brings him back to Toronaga and its here with Mariko as interpreter that John finally told Toronaga about the Portuguese gun running bases protected by Ronin and the fact that Portugal only wanted to make them think they were independent.
I see a big great fight shaping up between armies where Portuguese will be involve too and makes me think if ships will soldiers will arrive or if this is just going to be a Civil War while Portuguese run away or stay out of the conflict, what John reveal was a big deal for everyone in Japan either if they are allies or not unless they are sell outs, honor goes above anything on this story just as an example they guy who interrupted the council audience insinuating Ishido insulted Toronaga, he had to offer his life and his only born son to get his honor back, this kind of attitude its insane and to some point barbaric, I get been this strict is probably the only way why everything is so perfect but still how you going to kill a baby just because his father made a scene?? tf.

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