Rabbit Hole - Who is Tom - Episode 5 - Personal Thoughts


This is an episode I actually enjoy, more and more secrets between John and his father Ben are reveal, they both are very different with John been the one that panics and freaks out when an event hits him hard, on the other hand Ben is more cold and cautions about things always trying to stick to the plan and taking hard decisions that John cant do. Hailey did a few things on this episode that got me to doubt her intentions again, after previous episode where she tells the truth of why she wanted a phone so bad and said she was actually running from her previous boss after stealing $26Million in Bitcion I trust her about 70% of her story but she is now trying to get to John at a personal level, trying to be more than a friend, I think Ben is going to kill Hailey eventually.

John team, this is another mystery since the intern was an infiltrated why was he the only one to survive and were the rest of the team local or are they really dead? they were suppose to be alive, then dead and now they dye but not for the reason intended, on this series not everything is what it looks like.

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So lets start with John's team, from the start John thought the intern was working for Jo Madi or someone else but as the old silver fox Ben is he tells John he is getting too soft but only says this because HE KNEW the intern was working for someone else than the FBI, Ben seems to be a few steps ahead of John most of the time. A guy who fake his death to give his family a chance to stay alive knowing the could never see them again at least is someone that can stick to a plan a follow the rules, John on the other hand, even though he likes to manipulate people, he expect too much from some of them like the intern "innocent FBI informer" meaning he trust the kid in a way, when ever you do not suspect from someone is because you trust them at some level.


FBI agent Jo Madi keeps investigating the case even after her superior gave her orders to stop but she knows John, he likes to manipulate people and build up a stage, most things are fake around him, she had the idea this is all stage and there is something else. She is investigating each of John team more than ever because she saw John and the intern fighting out of the police department that time John went in to get the token generator that belong to Valence. At some point Jo Madi is going to figure out things that could help John and work with him, this series is about a political conspiracy to take over the country, its about power not about money so its on Jo Madi benefit to help John.


This guy shows up, I have a feeling this is Crowley, his name is not mention but he asks for Mr Gao and then the shot change to the outside of the office with only mystery background sound, it was a very short scene.


Homm is turning to be a cool character, the guy is an accounting genius and can go 0-100 real kick kill you with a fire extinguisher, tier 5 forensic accounting, #edisnotedead, this scene was so funny he was al excited about figuring it out where all the donations go, Senator Evans is the winner with a low profile on politics will soon run for president based on all the donations she is getting.


Some how they were followed, two mercenaries with assault riffles got to the safe house and shot Homm on his left arm besides he cant hear anything after a sound bomb detonated next to him. I here were Ben again tells John he is getting soft, refers to Hailey as why is she still with them questioning John if there is something between them, Hailey is very empathic, even told John to not listen to Ben, BIG red flag. Ben tells John to stop panicking, he is loosing it and Valence sold him but he wouldnt accept it.


This scene right here got me fired up, Hailey tries to calm down John as he is trying to figure out how they were found by Crowley, she again tells John he doesnt have to listen to Ben and then tells him she is staying because of him, because she have feelings for John. John understand his father is right and some how he was either sold by Valence or one of them is leaking information.




Here comes the Rabbit Hole again, John has been calling every single number that Valance got contact on that day he jump out the balcony of his office, turns out his dad got contact with Valance that day, John calls the next number on the list and Ben phone start ringing on the next room, he admit it and start telling John how he knew the intern was working for someone else than FBI and how he got stab. Ben explains John he couldn't tell him about the Intern, his Team and Valence because he knew John would freak out instead of focus on the plan.
Ben also confess to John he was the last person to talk to Valence and his last words were "shut up let me think....you tell him I had no choice" and then he jumps, Valence did sell out John but the question is how much dirt Crowley had on Valence while John was not aware of anything of this happening.



John was trying to reach his old team, they are suppose to be alive since the bomb and their corps were fake, it was all setup, Tom was not a person but a job they had to pull, the job was to fake their deaths and it was nothing new to them as they have done it in the past, the problem is the Intern killed them when he felt he was compromise by Ben, he thought Ben was after him to kill him so he had to rush his plan and starting taking down everyone around John until he gets him, Ben knew all this because he follow the Intern and saw him throwing the corps down the elevator.

Jo Madi was tracking down John team, even after the FBI got DNA confirmation of the corps, everything was plan and they knew how to fake all the evidence, she was still trying to track down John and his team, going back to the scene she ask Anna at the FBI to call Cara cell again (she was on John team), it start ringing and that got her to find the corps at the bottom of the elevator. She is getting closer to John and now this might reactivate the FBI investigation giving her more resources to get closer to John and his father.


After getting track down by Crowley mercenaries John figure out what was the only thing they carry before they got located, the fucking whiskey bottle, had some sort of gps at the bottom of the bottle.

Ben is right, everything that is happening is because John is getting soft and trust people, I'm back at the camp that Hailey is working for someone who probably got dirt on her, Ben is always steps ahead of John just because he doesnt trust anyone and to pull this job it has to be done that way, even Valence sold them out and not even Ben knew about it until he confess before jumping.
Its time for John to get his shit together and start to focus on the plan, forget about what happen and get rid of Hailey because she is getting between him, his father and the plan to get Crowley, not considering that now Crowley knows they are after him and that Jo Madi is getting closer to figure out whats John plan and she will get FBI backup to continue the investigation.

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