Plan B : Episode 1 - Personal Thoughts


This week a bunch TV Series air and there were a few I was expecting like BEEF, Florida Man, Obsession and I'm starting to catch up, some of this were Netflix release so its a complete season at once, Plan B went under my radar, I had no idea what it was about but decided to take a shot at it. Look it up on IMDB

A controlling husband who wants a successful family goes back in time to try to change the course of events and the outcome of his failing marriage.

Ok time traveling but how, then started to watching the guy is a lawyer?? who is going to time travel?? after I find out how he was going to go back in time it kinda remind me of "The Adjustment Bureau" where Matt Damon wouldn't give Elise and you also have this fiction part going through doors but the reason was the same to stay with the one he love.

So far I have only seen one episode and this is my first impression, I would say this series is about fuck ups than anything else then you have the time travel that is very dumb in this case but its how the main character Philip goes through mess after mess, the guy have so many problems at home, his brother, at the office and all because he was trying to live the life he thought was perfect without considering what others wanted until it seems to late and things fall apart for him when he had his brake through, Philip finally close a big deal for his firm.



Usually on the first episode we get a lot of introduction, your main characters, their motives, what they do but on the Plan B everything is about Philip entire fucked up life, so I doubt we will see important side stories everything will be about him and how he will do what ever it takes to fix his life but we all know the dangers of time traveling.

On this picture we got three main characters, Philip the guy on black suit, lawyer who is about to close a great deal for his small firm, his partner Patrick and Evelyn (Patrick's sister and eventually Philip's wife)

We see Philip saying the think he knows Evelyn from for ever so that gets me thinking if that was really his first line or he jump so far back in time that he got to that point years before knowing her, on some cases going back in time to far time travelers start to forget things so this is not any common introduction, this probably already happen.


They bought a house and start to rebuild everything their way but seems Philip wants to life his future without living the present, rebuild it cost more than he can afford at the moment and they are force to life on the house while the work is been done.


He is always busy with work, wake up jump to the laptop, Evelyn talks he doesn't pay much attention because he is so focus on working. A good men not necessarily is a good husband, I know that the hard way I can tell from that scene how Philip tries to fix a fuck up by been funny but Evelyn had too much too early in the morning and he has on effect on her, that hurt.


This is Andy, Philip's brother, I'm not sure whats the deal with him other than he has a daughter, pays child support, drinks and is heavily irresponsible, Philip's always giving him hand outs rather than trying to make him change for good, spoiling someone is not supporting them that only creates a bigger problem, again another Philip fuck up.


At work Evelyn is Philips receptionist, assistant and she was suppose to be part time, she clearly express how sick she is of all that, the phone ring and he just look at her like "the phone wont answer itself" while the phone is ringing, WTF , another Philip fuck up, no wonder she wanted to brake up with him.


The day of Philip's big presentation she still makes him coffee and tell him to go get them, she clearly understands the line between work and home, she knows making his morning miserable that day wont bring any good, so far Evelyn is pure gold, but she had enough of him.


Philip manage to close the deal but its too late for him and Evelyn, as he never have time to listen and pay attention to whats going on between them he forgot the color for their room and got it paint the wrong one, it was never about the paint color it was about he not listening to her, not making her priority. Philip was a dead man walking way way before this moment.

Evelyn left to her parents place for diner and Philip made this childish scene of trying to force her to talk until Patrick had to take him out of the house.


Patrick and Philip go for a beer at a local bar and he finds out Patrick knew about his sister intentions to break up with him but he keeps making excuses of him working 24/7 just to get her everything she wants but that's not true, 99% of the time we are selfish that's human nature and do things for personal pleasure.


Here comes the time travel part that is totally irrelevant to the series, this is probably the most stupid way to time travel. Philip finds a sign on the bar bathroom "Second Changes....Call...Life changing guaranteed" c'mon c'mon c'mon.

He gets drunk at home, calls the number, went through an IVR and schedule to go back in time to a day before, agents will arrive between 9 a.m and 9 p.m to get him back in time.


Next day wakes up alone in his fucked up life, he got charge $2357.92 by Plan B and this two agents show up take him into a van and then he wakes up again but now in the past.


He is now in the past and knows how things going to happen so he is trying to be slick and use it to his advantage, he think he is ahead of Evelyn and tries to make things perfect for her but only the things he already knew went wrong that day. On every time travel theory there is out there once you try to change things in the past others get affected or new events happen that didn't exist and that's exactly what happen to Philip, as he start to unfold his mess of live other fuck ups happen at work that affect his personal life again and everything starts to fall apart again.


At the end of this episodes despite knowing what went wrong the day before he ends up in the same place, loosing Evelyn, spoiling his brother, living in a war zone of a house and now having problems at work. He gets a text message from Plan B saying his trip is over.

The problem with Philip is that he has no foundation, his entire life hang on a wire, everything is so fragile because of all his fuck ups that it takes one thing to go wrong to start affecting the rest of his life, its a domino effect that he doesn't know how to stop. That's why I think the first scene of the episode is him going back in time so far that he start to forget things, at the end on this episode when he gets the text message from Plan B saying his trip was over is prove that he didn't solve anything, he had so many problems evolving many months before that moment that wont be fix in a day so what ever he tries to change 24 hours before still brings new problem him.

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