Masters Of The Air: Part Seven - E07 - RECAP


I was ask the other day why do I watch this TV series about war since there is nothing good about war. This is a fact although for now nobody can stop war and yes there is nothing good about it but what attract me to this type of series is the men and women who were brave enough to step up and pull all this amazing missions and still want more, in the case of Masters of The Air, Capt. Rosie, what that men accomplish is outstanding how he flew that bomber like it was a fighter jet, on episode 7 Rosie and his crew took their 25th mission earning their ticket back home. It was never easy for them not even with clear skies, this guys were going into massive altitude, wide open windows, risk of mechanical failures, on previous episodes I constantly ask myself why don't they have a fighter jet escort but this time they did, P-51 Mustang fighter jets in action, sadly the series is almost over with one more episode this Friday so we wont see much of those fighter jets in action.
It look like it was not all terrible for pilots once they got capture but the truth as we saw on episode six, it was bad, those that were lucky enough or fought until the end for their life like Buck did, were send to a camp, at this camp they had the very basics like water, energy, a very basic died but there were a lot of risks lick sickness or a German officer who wake up on their left foot and shoot at you. To stay inform they had a radio that some how got smuggle into the camp, Bucky was constantly on top of news and getting others inform.
This was not a summer camp, it was a prison, there is no other name for that so they were constantly getting raid by German Officers looking for illegal things or weapons, again its a prison, unfortunately during one of this raids a soldier found their radio and confiscate it. I don't know anyone who speaks German but why on movies German Soldiers repeat things like 10 times? The soldier who found the radio keep repeating the same words even after he already show his superiors what he found.
More missions to Germany means more casualties and their replacement were very young but at that point the base had Rosie, he was almost an idol among pilots, on top there were a couple of men who return from Europe thanks to the resistance, this gave the men hope that getting out of Europe and completing 25 missions was still possible although for Crossby there was not much hope for him to get back in the air but he was just too good of a navigator reason why he was the leader so he had to stay on the ground in an office.
Nothing was easy for this men either at base or at the camps that held them prisoner, they were all prisoners of the war going on, but there was always something to hold on, some never loose hope, obviously it was not the same for all of them but they always look for a way out. In the case of new pilots they had Rosie and the guys at the camps had men like Buck and Bucky always showing the way, at the end of the day it didn't matter much how good you were at base there was always that psychological barrier that made people think they were not going to make it out so they needed brave men to show them the way.


March 6, 1944 was declare Black Monday after an attempt attack to Berlin half of the bombers did not return, that's about 150 men lost in battle and the rest that got back were wounded and bombers heavily damage, it was the same route over and over, I guess when you are a foot soldier or in this case gun man or pilot one might think they want us all dead, its a cruel job but its a job and those who survive got the job done sadly that's how higher rank might think about their soldiers and when they are pushing to finish the job in this case invade Europe and take it back form the Germans, there was no men, pilot or soldier who was safe from going all in, men at base felt they didn't care if they all died but that's not entirely true, higher rank might not care for them particularly but do care to keep their troops alive to win the war, cant win a war if they are all dead.
On episode seven Bucky demonstrate some Macgyver skills, after their radio got taken away during the last raid he built, not sure how or if its possible; a radio out of scraps that they had laying around, Buck took the task to recollect what ever Bucky ask for but more than not having the skills to build the radio they were lacking patience, every failed attempt to having working end up in a conversation to either brake out and escape or remain there to survive or die from sickness, Buck was wild and he wanted to escape but on the other end Bucky still had hopes they could survive although was aware that there was certain truth on Buck reasons to escape.
Another mission to Berlin, Rosie is back after a few days off, his crew look nervous after their last attempt only half of the bombers came back, it would have been awesome to the P-51 fighters on more episodes, again there is nothing glorious about war but I can't imagine that many bombers and jet fighters in the air, look like there were hundreds from both sides, fighters destroying each others as bombers keep cruising to their targets, this was Rosie and his crew 25th mission earning their ticket back home letting those who just got in knew that it can be done but then you have to ask your self is he that good of a pilot or is he just lucky, well to come back from 25 missions during war, luck had nothing to do, Rosie or anyone else who did it was just that good, always in the edge, cool, calm, collected, always on the edge daring to do the impossible, in this case the impossible was 25 missions. After Rosie did his 25th mission, he and his crew were the last ones to reach that mark, higher rank though they had to raise the bar since they think the war is almost over so they need their men to push harder, this turn Rosie 25th mission party into sadness among other men in the base, he decided to stay and keep fighting.
In an effort to finish my recaps of Masters of The Air this weekend I have decided to post another episode recap and I'm going to do the same for tomorrow and Saturday, at least want to keep up with this series since I'm behind posting on other series I'm watching.
The only thing I'm sorry about is that this is a mini series, even though it only has nine episodes its very fulfilling, since its a narrated story it doesn't feel like it was rush, I can get how people might say some scenes feel cut off but its Crosby narrating a very long story so he did not had eyes everyone, he narrated what he went through its not a made up story by a studio, some scenes probably change to keep the audience interested though.
I did mention on previous recap that most likely there were not going to be that many air battles, I think the focus has shift more into what the prisoners of war went through and men at the base, far from their loves ones, countless days without sleep, going all in to invade Europe and try to end this madness.

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