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ECHO (2024) - Lowak - Episode 2 - RECAP


ECHO (2024) - Lowak - Episode 2 - RECAP INTRODUCTION -

I cant say so far this is another Secret Invasion type of failure because so far is not bad but again second episode failed on similar ways that the first one did, details, that's a key point when doing super hero content, you need to give details and there are a couple of things that happen during the episode that lack context but again is not so bad, I feel I have to finish the mini series because if not I will always have the question of what could have happen so I'm already invested on ECHO and will try to finish it this week, my post about Episode two should have happen yesterday but had a couple of things on the way and could not invest that much time, this is still a some what complex post for me because all the scenes, I still think episode two was worth it because for the most part it was funny and there was a good amount of action, its like I'm prepared for the things I might not like about the series so I don't mind that much and that's bad too for a TV series.
On episode two Maya wants to fire back at her uncle, we already know from episode one that she didn't finish him and still don't know if it was intentional, there is always that scene that doesn't show up at first, probably she is that of a bad ass that she only shoot close to his eye so he gets hurt and doesn't die, reason for this is because there is no interest or fun for her to fight back if she kills him that easy. - tv series divider
ECHO (2024) - Lowak - Episode 2 - RECAP EPISODE DETAILS -


Maya's roots and culture will show up on every single episode and this time they show how natives were playing a game and the winners stays on the land, the looser gets banished for ever, it also shows Maya's ancestress, they playing a game that remind me of two things, Harry Potter Quidditch and Space Jam, the game was similar to Quidditch because they were also after a very small ball and Space Jam because there was a relative small women playing who was one of the bets in the field, very competitive and their opponent was a guy twice big, little comparison I made while watching, still regarding acting and production everything is great in my opinion.


Maya starts to twist Biscuits, make him do things for her, nothing bad per say but she is using him for favors here and there so people in town doesn't notice she is there, she wants to keep a low profile for many reasons, specially because of her grand mother Shula and Bonnie, she knows how her grand mother never like her father and what would she do or say to Maya knowing she is worst that her father, don't forget Maya was part of Kingpin mafia back at New York, killing, dealing.


That's exactly what happen, Shula figure out Maya was in town and straight up asks Henry and ask him to keep Maya away basically from the rest of the family, Shula knows Maya means trouble for anyone in town, she can deal with it but seems Bonnie can't.


What I like the most about the action scene was that it was fun, Biscuits gives it that touch of comedy that makes it fun, it's not funny stupid and on the other side Maya is a bad ass and makes everything look so easy like I GOT THIS!!


Now this is the part I have problems with the episode, the train scene there are a few things that make little scenes to me but its a TV series about a women with super powers so lets starts with the basics, she is under the train wagon and start using a FUCKING POWER SAW like it's nothing and probably with one hand to cut steel, do you know how hard is that?? specially been hanging upside down WTF!! second what about the USB camera that Biscuits got for her, it was a full blown USB Type A camera how did she connect it to her phone, third but should the first one, the tracking app she got working on Biscuits phone to track her OK lets say she install it prior getting to the bridge where she jump from, lastly the sealant spray that in seconds hold up a steel plate in place like she JB Weld the fucking thing. All this details make it difficult to believe because this is not super human straight up shit, this is I'm going to pull all this lines from my ass that make no sense for a human to do.


Biscuits again saves the scene, "This is crazy!" right before Maya jumps out the train but then we fall into FUCKING DETAILS, how did she jump that high after her prosthesis leg got destroy when it got caught up, I had friends who ere gymnastics and they could jump fucking high but with one leg? OK lets say she use her powers at that moment because it seem she have some kind of super strength, that's how she free herself when her leg got caught up.


So far bit of a ranting on the previous two scenes that I consider important now the rest is to give some closure to the episode, the container Maya infiltrate had bombs on it, she basically set a trap so when it arrive their warehouse it would explode, she work for Kingpin so she for sure know his people and locations where he save things like guns, money, etc, this is suppose to be the start of her hitting back harder and trying to get control on Kingpin empire, problem is that shit is about to hit the fan once Kingpin starts to find out how this mess happen and it tracks back to Henry who runs a cargo company that by the way handles the route that train took.
Henry gets pissed at Maya for still going through with her plan and not letting him know before hand or at least didn't do it all because once Kingpin figures out it was her and where she is hell is going to come down to that town, on the other side of things Biscuits was at the shop trying to get Shula's truck fixed, at the town they run a radio frequency probably public and he was trying to sell his PS4 when Bonnie picks up and ask what happen to the truck and Biscuits by accident mention he was OK including Maya there for Bonnie ask Maya WTF! why she is in town and didn't contact her. - tv series divider

ECHO (2024) - Lowak - Episode 2 - RECAP -

After all I enjoy the episode, lets say I learn new things about Maya culture, the Choctaw with the first scenes of the episode, the comedy was fine it was very funny, all actors are doing OK, I don't feel any of them is under performing or any poor acting signs and I really like Maya as the main character but its the details that is killing me on this episode, first episode I was not a fan off because as I mention it felt like a fucking entire flashback with little context and now that I think about it when the hell are we going to see Dare Devil again if Maya still in town and there are only three episodes more, meaning that there will be only two more episodes when we will see Dare Devil fighting either Maya or Kingpin, spidey-senses tell me this story is going to get crunch as fuck, no wonder why some people already piss about it. - tv series divider