Sonic the Hedgehog [2020]


Hello friends, I'm here with another interesting movie titled Sonic the Hedgehog and I would like to share with you.

The movie is about an extraterrestrial hedgehog is discovered by a scientist with evil intentions and plans to use his superpowers for his selfish needs.

It begins On a distant planet, Sonic, a young anthropomorphic blue hedgehog who can run at supersonic speed, is unexpectedly attacked by an echidna tribe.

His guardian, an anthropomorphic owl named Longclaw, gives him a bag of rings that open portals to other planets.

She uses one to send him to Earth while she stays behind to hold off the echidna, leaving Sonic behind.

Ten years later, Sonic enjoys a secret life in the rural town of Green Hills, Montana, but longs to make friends.

He idolizes the local sheriff Tom Wachowski and his wife Maddie, unaware the pair are to relocate to San Francisco as Tom plans to accept a job post with the SFPD.

One night, Sonic grows upset over his loneliness while playing baseball alone and, while running at high speeds, accidentally triggers an electromagnetic Plus that causes a massive power outage across the Pacific Northwest.

The U.S. Department of Defense reluctantly enlists the services of eccentric roboticist and scientific genius Dr. Robotnik to determine the cause.

Realizing his cover was blown, Sonic reluctantly plans to leave Earth for a different planet only consisting of mushrooms and fungi.

However, Tom discovers Sonic in his shed and tranquilizes him, causing Sonic to accidentally drop his bag of rings through a portal to the Transamerica pyramids tower roof, upon reading the writing on Tom's shirt, before passing out.

Tom hesitantly agrees to help Sonic and the two flee when confronted by Robotnik, who falsely labels Tom a domestic terrorist.

The two bond, with Tom relating to Sonic's desire for friends. Sonic creates a bucket list and Tom helps him complete several entries along their journey.

Meanwhile, Robotnik, discovering that one of Sonic's quills holds an almost limitless amount of electrical energy, plans to capture Sonic to use his powers for his machines.

As he tracks them down, Sonic and Tom manage to fight off numerous mechanized drones sent by Robotnik, but Sonic is injured in the battle.

Find out what happened next as they fight off several mechanized drones sent by Robotnik, but Sonic is injured in the battle as the movie gets interesting

Thanks for reading my post.

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