Demons Slayers Whoop Titans Anyday

Perusing twitter the one day as I do, minding my own business retweeting and liking things so I feel included. I happened on an awesome fight scene image from some kind of anime.

As it goes, the comments were extremely helpful and said that it is from Demon Slayer - Kimetsu no Yaiba. Since I am an avid fan of all things Anime, which is why I know the name Ichigo and some such, I did a search and found the show.

I like underdog, rise up and cut the worlds throat kind of shows so liking this was a given. The main driving force in the story has a very tenious link to Full Metal Alchemist where he also did everything in the hope of saving his brother.

For this, you can just swap out the brother for a badass demon sister and boom you have a wrecking ball sibling duo who beat the shit out of every bully from dusk to dawn.

After dawn, it is just him because the sister can't go in the sun. Guess everyone needs a weakness. It makes it quite relatable as I am not fond of the sun either or being awake but somehow we make it in this cruel world.

Season 2 is now actively airing and just released episode 11, so I probably won't watch until it is all released which is why I then thought ok maybe I can find something else.

Now after, Deathnote, Fullmetal Alchemist, Ichigo :P , Naruto and some Cowboy Bebop I would say I don't really know what is good.

I recalled watching Attack of the Titans once, turns out that is Attack on Titan? Whichever.

I gave it a go and finished the first season in 40min.

Soooo. Maybe there is something similar to Demon Slayer for me to watch, aside from the waking up in a new world pedo crap...

Another nice thing was that Demon Slayer did not have much filler, most backstories were kinda interesting and moved the show along. Maybe it is one of the few anime that care to entertain and tell a story instead of just pumping out fluff.

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