Why love is bad for work || Hunting game









Can love be mixed with work?? Or is it better to hate and work??. These are some wonderful questions that this movie poses.

Movie summary.

The title of this movie is the Hating game, it is a 2021 movie that focuses on the journey of a woman with a deep love for literature, as she tries to understand the difference between love and hate. As well as the effect of love and hate in a working environment.


The movie begins with a depiction of love mixed with hate in a scene where our main characters Lucy and Josh, who both work in a book publishing firm, mimick each other In a manner that can be described as cute and cuddly. Meanwhile, generating an atmosphere filled with tension that can be described as love, but is later debunked as hate by the voice-over character.
And this became the first question this movie posed to the audience, is love the same as love??.




Further into the movie we begin to unravel this movie into a series of answers, we get a closer view of the main characters, their likes, dislikes, and behavioral and personality traits.

Lucy for example is depicted to be a free spirit, whose main hobby is making people happy and reading. She is also depicted as a weak commander whose subordinate makes use of her inability to ascertain command to walk all over her. This is made very much visible in various scenes where one of Lucy's subordinates takes advantage of her weakness to severally exploit her way out of work.

Josh on the other hand has a much firm grip on authority as displayed in a scene where one of the subordinates tries to fist bump him, all he said was NO and the subordinate quickly ran away.

Now, the greatest twist that brings what we the viewers know into light, occurs in the elevator when the love and lust, that has been secretly blossoming takes shape, as the two main characters finally kiss. Bringing their long-heated hatred and rivalry to a halt.


This kissing scene brings about a lot of problems, that they both try to resolve by making changes to their person. Their relationship takes a lot of blows in several directions but eventually ends with love being the ultimate winner.

Personal note.
I feel the message this movie is trying to pass on is that love and business do not mix. But hate makes a very good ingredient for business as it leads to the development of rivalry, competition, and effective productivity. As seen in the scene where Josh resigns from his job, a position he has practically zero competition in, for the sake of love. While Lucy on the other hand uses hatred to get herself a promotion.

The soundtrack the movie employs for various of its scenes helps to paint the picture of hate, love, passion, and happiness.

I enjoyed the chemistry between the two characters, the tension they displayed in each scene was very believable and easy to decipher.

Overall the movie was amazing as it aimed to answer specific questions like do love and work mix?? Or is hatred a preferred combo with work?? we're answered.

Love is not the same as hate, love is love and hate is hate. But sometimes hate can be love this is visible in the scenes where Josh tries his very best to piss Lucy off. He succeeds every time, making her feel that Josh hates her when in true reality, he loves her.

In conclusion.
Hating game has much to give. Great storyline, great character development, relationship drama, lust, love, passion, and hate, with the best cute and cuddly moments. It's definitely worth watching.

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