Not a Review but Emotions

There was a time when I used to watch movies like an addicted person who needed to take drugs or smoke no matter what happened around him. Yeah, I was such an addict. Seeing the sun rays coming through the ventilator was a common scenario for me while watching TV shows at night; multiple episodes in one go was quite an easy task. One-hour lengthy film or a three-hour one, no matter what happens, I used to finish them at once. Even I used to watch before exams, it was a habit, no day was complete without a movie, worked like daily painkillers. Now? These habits are gone. That's some tales from the past that give me goosebumps whenever I recall them.


No, today it's not a film review, not about any particular TV show as well; it's about my stance and the difference between the time in the past and now. So, if you are interested in reading some random feelings, stick with me.

Where to begin? Past, present, or in between? Lemme start from the middle; when I got my current Android phone with a giant screen three years back and the potato PC with a 22-inch monitor that I had built two years ago was the peak of my addiction to the film industry, the addiction I mentioned was at its peak during this period.

Lemme go back way before that, the most special part. I had a Samsung phone from 2016, that had a 4.5" Super AMOLED 480p panel. Yeah, I have spent the most memorable days with this tiny display that's why I mentioned the screen sizes in the previous paragraph. We didn't have wifi connection back then, I used to use a friend's or someone else's wifi to download movies or TV shows. Yeah, one or two films or a season altogether to be downloaded to give me a backup of a few days. Game of Thrones, Breaking Bad, and many legendary films were enjoyed on that 480p resolution 4.5" screen. Can you believe it? Trust me, those were the most enjoyable and memorable moments of my life.

Now? I have a 27" 1440p resolution monitor, 24/7 high-speed internet connection, Netflix, or other easy methods of enjoying a film or TV show to its peak qualities yet the addiction is lost.

Yeah, If I used to watch seven films in a week at that 4.5" display, then maybe it would take multiple months to beat that seven-film challenge right now even after having such amazing devices to enjoy more beautifully. There was a time when I used to run for film recommendations to pick good ones daily as I used to run out of my watch lists, but now, I have a couple of hyped films I have watched for a long time and two TV shows on the bucket with tons of uncertainty on when to watch.

Well, sometimes I plan to sit with the old golden ones to enjoy them at their peak qualities once again, but the lack of proper timing to manage that is getting hard. I dream of a period when I will finally have enough time to sit tight and enjoy them with a great content.

Posted using CineTV

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