Prey: Movie Review

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Social media has been a buzz lately with the 5th instalment of Preditor if you count the Aliens Vs Predator films this is the 7th addition. Despite so many films we are yet to have an origins film about the Predators or learn much more about their race other than they are a highly evolved species of hunters that come to earth as some form of ritual to progress in their own clan.

Prometheous gave as a deeper look into the beings that created the Aliens and pretty much humans on earth but as for Predators we know they they play with their DNA to become the most sophisticated species.

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The year is 1719 and we meet Naru a Comanche who is residing with her clan in what is now known as North America the opening scenes give us a subtle hint that she is not alone as her dog gets caught in a bear trap.

Not long after we see a Predator space ship enter and as the Comanche go about their business the Predator is its too fighting off a number of different APEX Predators on Earth.

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It isn't too long until the Predator makes itself known by getting into a one on one fight with a bear that gave it a good run for its money. Although her clan doesn't seem to believe her until it is too late the French trappers are well aware of its presence and soon the Predator takes on the entire camp.

But we learn this Predator is a little different to what we are used to although it has advanced tech and still the same cloaking device many of its weapons are primal which is an odd adaptation. Given its ability for interstella space travel indicating the race would need to be quite advanced.

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The other interesting aspect of this film is that it is the longest period that we have seen a Predator outside of its cloaking device. Much to the cause of the burned out Forrest that leave Ash floating around leaving the Predators cloaking device pointless.

We see once the cloaking device is off the Comanche make quick work of the alien and it results to returning to invisibility for the upper hand despite its size and strength.

This Predator is also leaner and smaller to the ones we have come to see.

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Without spoiling too much of the film the film does have some throw backs to the originals such as "If it bleeds we can kill it". And the above gone which is awarded as a prize in Predator 2 for killing the Predator.

The cartoon cut scene shows Predators arriving to earth and perhaps this is how the gifts start with the Comanche awarding the Predators with the weapon. Although it is often the Predators that award the victor..

The film went right back to the basics of Predator which was a great addition and seeing pre colonisation of the America's really gave us a new twist to the film franchise.

A few minor tweaks and it was good viewing. Although still much left unanswered which leaves us wondering if we will see the Predator on our screens once again.

The race is still quite mysterious and so much to learn about.

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