Cinetvcontest: Life Of Pi (2012)

In the very vast ocean of great and emotional cinematic brilliance, Ang Lee's "Life of Pi" stands out as one of the rare treasures, because it not only captivates the senses alone but also penetrates right into profound philosophical depths.

Yann Martel's book was brought to real life by director Ang Lee's , skillfully combining stunning sights, beautiful effects and a gripping narrative. A very immersive cinematic experience thanks to the movies magnificent cinematography, which is complemented by an engrossing narrative and superb performances.

"Life of Pi '' is a visually breathtaking masterpiece, released in 2012, the movie takes its audiences on a soul transforming journey not forgetting that water played a vital part in the effect. Water acted as both a physical and metaphorical aspect in "Life of Pi".

About the movie
The movie "Life of Pi," which is based on Yann Martel's best-selling book, tells of the incredible journey of a kid known as Piscine Molitor Patel, nicknamed as Pi. Pi was a young Indian kid with an intense spiritual inclination and this insatiable curiosity that lives deep in him.

Pi, who was brought up in Pondicherry, India, saw a drastic change in his life when his family decided to relocate to the cold country, Canada. Pi's world was turned upside down irreparably when their cargo ship collapsed during a storm, leaving him as the only surviving human trapped on a lifeboat on the vast waters of the Pacific Ocean for 227 days.

Pi experiences a severe existential crisis while at sea. He confronts his greatest anxieties, wrestles with life's mysteries, and looks for meaning in this loneliness and seclusion. Pi's faith is put to the test in a metaphorical body of water, beginning a transcendental voyage of self-discovery.

Like I mentioned earlier, they were traveling aboard a cargo ship that was filled with a variety of several exotic creatures from their family zoo. So it was just Pi and a Bengal tiger must journey the sea to survive.

About the cast
Suraj Sharma gave a fantastic character performance as the young Pi. He deftly and authentically handled the emotional complexity of the character. And the narration by Irrfan Khan as the older Pi also did good to deepen the philosophical basis of the movie.

More than just a background
Water appears more in the movie and it portrayed both the good and bad aspects of nature. But to me, I felt the water in "Life of Pi '' serves as more than just a background. To me I really felt it was a metaphor used to depict the turbulent and changeable characters of life in general. Because the movie dives you straight into different emotions, you find yourself in inspiring reflections. Not just that it sparks up this swift emotional connection to the protagonist's journey. Like Pi's ordeal on the lifeboat as a human, you begin to have pity for him and pray for his survival.

The directors tried in shooting breath-taking scenes of the storms and seas breaking into the lifeboat. They did well in highlighting the amazing power of water and also how it helped Pi survive. I must applaud the movie's visual effects crew and cinematographers. Their vivid depiction of the unbridled power of nature tends to transport spectators into the perilous trip that Pi must take to survive. From the water's calm beauty to its harsh character did feel real and combined so well, to think that it was all shot in a little pool.

I must say I enjoyed seeing this movie and I'm definitely sure you too will.

This is a contest on cinetv.

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