CineTv Contest : Favourite Movie With An Alien - Men In Black II


To be honest, I don't really have a favorite alien movie! I know I love some more but I won't call it my favorite. So I guess I'll just choose the one I love more to be my favorite.

There are so many great alien movies out there. And as a movie freak I've seen so many of them. But if I had to choose, I'd definitely go with "Men in Black II." This particular movie Is the sequel to the original "Men in Black," and I love to think that it's even much better than the original movie.

"Men in Black II" was released in 2002. A sequel to the original "Men in Black," which was released in 1997. Ofcourse, the first movie was a huge hit, but I like to believe that the sequel really built on that success. A true testament of the strength of the characters and a good story plus great production too. It's always cool seeing a sequel live up to the expectations and hype of the original movie. So yes, "Men in Black II" did live up to the hype of the original movie.

My first reason for choosing "Men in Black II" is because of the cast. Yeah Agent J (Will Smith) especially and his counterpart Agent K (Tommy Lee Jones). I really loved their chemistry. It was great, and they played off each other so well.

That aside, the action, the humor, the chemistry between the characters (which I just spoke about actually) and the story which was really, really clever and well-executed was what made me love the movie. I also did love the visual effects and how they portrayed different kinds of aliens in the movie. It was so creative and imaginative. The fact that the movie didn't take itself too seriously and that it was just pure fun to watch was another good one for me. There was a nice balance between the action, humor, and heart put into the movie by the actors. It was a solid movie that I watched over and over again.

A little plot
The movie kicked up a few years after the main events of the first movie. In the sequel, the galaxy was threatened by a powerful alien called Serleena. Serleena was after a mysterious device known as the Light of Zartha. There's only one guy known as Worm Guy who is believed to know where the Light of Zartha is located. Now to stop Serleena, the agents from the Men in Black organization are assigned to track down the Worm Guy. Ofcourse there were other number of strange and dangerous creatures encountered during the mission like a shapeshifting alien, and one pink-skinned, three-headed alien named Orion.

One other interesting thing about "Men in Black II" is the way it deals with the idea of identity and what it means to be human. In the movie, Agent K and Agent J encountered a number of aliens who were struggling to find their place in our world. This really makes you think about the meaning of identity and how it can be if we ever found ourselves in their own world (which we don't know if it exists). I think most people might not think that way when they watch the movie. Maybe I'm the only one thinking like that.

Men in black is a fun alien movie. But if I'm to choose between fun and scary alien movies. I'll say it really depends on my mood. Am I in the mood for something scary or something fun?. Because to me both types of alien movies have their own merits.

For example scary alien movies, like "Alien" are great movies for creating a very tense and suspense filled atmosphere. There are themes of fear and the unknown in the movies explored in a really effective way.

While Fun alien movies, like "Men in Black," are great for their humor, adventure, and imaginative visuals.

Before I go if you think my choice wasn't right, then maybe you should really sit down and rewatch the "Men in Black II" again

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