CineTv Contest: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004)



For this weeks contest my choice movie is the "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (2004) with the legendary Jim Carrey and Kate Winslet.

This movie is a very crazy but interesting movie . It was released on March 19, 2004, the movie is about an illness that isn't really a natural or normal sickness but what I'd like to call technologically or a process developed by a company called Lacuna Inc.

The illness allows the characters of the movie to erase parts of his memory or to simply put he forgets about bad things that happened in his life. This is as a result of Lacuna scientist working on Joel's brains as he sleeps.

Little plot
In this particular movie, the lives of Joel Barish (Jim Carrey) and Clementine Kruczynski (Kate Winslet) were the main focus. They had to undergo a procedure that erases their memories, especially their painful and toxic relationship with each other.
Joel and Clementine's are constantly having issues in their relationship this lead to the gradually falling apart. These two try to hold on to these memories as the company battles trying to erase them from their minds. But there's a constant bits of back and forth in time showing memories of their relationship right from the start to the end. As this back and forth continues, their memories become more complicated. It's somehow a confusing storyline, another beautiful, completely different way of telling a good love story.

What I really loved about this movie
The fact that "Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind '' combines a mix of romance, love, connection and explores it with a full blend of science fiction that touches with the human mind makes it intriguing for me. Although at a point loosing memories of beautiful moments of your life no matter how painful it was can have psychological effects on you. But I loved the idea of an illness that can wipe the painful memories you really don't want to deal with again. Like I mentioned earlier it is totally crazy but somehow a nice tale.

Basically one can boldly term it a mental illness that you get to decide if you want it for yourself. And I'm sure it's going to take a lot of thorough thinking and whatever desire of escaping emotional trauma for one to go ahead and wish that he or she wants to delete a part of their life memories.

Looking at the story from another angle the movie tried to show us how people deal with pains or painful experiences differently. In the end, it lets you wonder whether erasing or trying to deny your past is really a solution or just a form of self-denial.

Why I Chose This Movie

We've seen a whole lot of natural illnes movies. There are a who lot of them. But my choice for this movie was sponsored by the fact that this particular notion of illness deals with our mental well-being. It goes as far to show the length people can go to try to secure or protect their minds from pains. It talks about mental health and somehow last week we celebrated mental health day.

It gives a glimpse of how people deal with emotions. Of how worn out we can be from the hurt and pains of our past experience.

Then it goes ahead to teach us that pains and a beautiful past are what makes life beautiful. It shows us that maybe it can be tough but we should learn to leave with it and leave the past in the past.

Jim Carrey
Kate Winslet
Mark Ruffalo
Kirsten Dunst
Tom Wilkinson
Elijah Wood
Written by
Charlie Kaufman
Michael Gondry

This is a contest on CineTv.

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