
In this week's contest we are asked to write about a movie that represents winning which you can join here. Of course there are a whole variety of movies with different themes to choose from. And to each person winning means a different thing. But what truly is winning.

Winning can be said to be the act of being successful either in a competition or in life or achieving a desired goal. In other words we can refer to achieving anything from winning a game or contest, to achieving a personal goal, to being recognized for excellence in a particular field.

I have seen several movies about winning like the hunters game, the 8 mile, the wolf of wall street etc. All these are of different genres and I will boldly tell you that they are all good movies. But one movie I want to talk about as my movie that represents winning is AKEELAH AND THE BEE.

AKEELAH was a little girl from a poor background. She lost her dad in an early year of her life and was living with her siblings and mum in the ghetto part of the community. Her brother was into drugs and her sister already had a child but without a husband. The old mum worked her ass off to take care of her kids. She attended a public school that couldn't even afford a coach for her.

AKEELAH wanted to go to the regionals spelling bee competition but her mum was against it. She was too protective of AKEELAH because as the last child she didn't want AKEELAH to turn out like her siblings. But that did not deter the young girl. She kept on pushing, sneaking out of the house to learn with her new found rich friends and her coach who was a former finalist at the national spelling bee.

Her mum found out heart stopped her from continuing to chase her dreams but when she saw the capabilities of her daughter she allowed her and even supported her..

AKEELAH was made to learn a whole 5000 words by her coach. And with the help of her community who has not had any great thing come out of them she learnt them all. And went on to the National spelling bee in Washington. Where she had a tough contender and also a friend. Now you may know the road to winning as being hardworking and dedicated, or on natural talent or a bit of good luck but in AKEELAH in this movie I saw all these qualities

And for the first time there were two winners of the spelling bee, AKEELAH and get tough opponent. And believe me when I say that with the way the whole community and schoolmates were rooting for AKEELAH her win was a defining moment in their lives. A start of something new and huge. It brought a sense of accomplishment, pride, and satisfaction to the little community that was not really regarded.

Now from my short review of this movie if it doesn't tell you about determination to win then I probably do not know what else.

Regardless of how it is achieved, winning can be a powerful and motivating force. It can inspire us to set and achieve new goals, to push ourselves harder, and to strive for excellence in all that we do. So whether we are competing in a game, pursuing a personal dream, or simply trying to be the best versions of ourselves, the desire to win can drive us forward and help us to achieve great things.

Laurence Fishburne
Angela Bassett
Keke Palmer
Curtis Armstrong

Doug Atchison

Doug Atchison

Laurence Fishburne
Sid Ganis
Nancy Hult Ganis
Danny Llewelyn
Michael Romersa

April 28, 2006

112 minutes


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