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Cine TV Contest #38 - Favorite Political Movie or Television Show - Mr. Smith Goes to Washington

Political movie are the movies that do not Interests me, maybe, since this kinds of movies are organised mainly to sent messages to the people who has Interests in politics, but to talk about politics, I do not have so much interest, when it comes to political activities, apart from casting my vote, which is the right of every citizens of a country.

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This week themes is to personally write on the political movie that interest us the most, I am choosing this movie called,Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, as I was going through movies to watch, I found it and I decided to takes my time and seeing how the movie goes.

Maybe I choose this movie since I have always loved this name Smith, true, I always love this name and if i should change my name, I would like to be called Smith. smile....

The movie is about a senator in the United States, who do everything possible to fixed the political system he finds himself into, according what he notes, the system was corrupt, so he didn't want to be corrupt just as the system but to clean it was his intentions.

Mr Smith (Jimmy Stewart) as most people look at him had a truly good intentions for the government, but the thing was that, only one man can hardly make a forest.

The corrupt senator, Senator Joseph Harrison, (Claude Rains) who had never for once think of his Peoples wellbeing rather want to make Mr Smith seems like the bad man in the house, but only Smith in the house was the Man who tried to communicate love to the citizens.
I will recommend for anyone to watch also and to see for themselves.