

Just like @cinetv posted on Twitter, there is always that one film which you'd love so much from start to finish, and after watching, you'd immediately want to share your experience with others. But for some reason when trying to explain how awesome the movie is to people, they always end up shoving the movie into a pile of shit!. And you're then left all alone to wonder,
"did I watch this film correctly" or "is there a different movie with the same name ??".

Well for me that movie is the Amazing spiderMan II.
So, following the successful production of the amazing spiderman I, Amazing Spiderman II was released in 2014. The story primarily depicted the rise of electro, a man of science who was critically underappreciated by his company despite his many efforts in supporting the company.
And to make matters worse they forget his birthday plus they gave him an extra shift on HIS BIRTHDAY !!, while every other worker left work early, he was forced to stay behind ON HIS BIRTHDAY!!.

Well, it doesn't take much to become a supervillain these days, simply stealing candy from a baby, and BooM!! , you're a villain!. ( Quick and easy).

Why I Think The Movie Is Underrated.

So I have watched this movie over and over again and though I agree that the movie couldn't develop a good plot, I still have to say that there is big neglect on the charismatic attitude Peter Parker was displaying, he was truly alive. And the fact that there were a series of amazing CGI fights and real fights only made it a winner for me.

I mean when you skip through all the rubbish plot and get to the fight scene trust me you'll feel the tingle, your spider-sense will come alive as your mind is driven into action!.

So basically what I'm saying is, I think the movie is underrated because, despite the trashy plot, the weird goblin, and some many unpleasant moments, there are still some good qualities in it like, the fight scenes which I cherish the most, and I'd watch it over and over again because why not?.

For me, this is the most underrated spiderman movie.

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