Thoughts on Matrix Franchise

  1. The Matrix is ​​the best movie of the 90s. There are 3-4 other films from that decade that I consider absolutely masterpieces, but weighing personal connection with historical significance, I'm going with Matrix. If you ask me, this is a 10/10 film and it is also the best Hollywood blockbuster ever made. No Star Wars, no LotR, no MCU, nothing. I am willing to die on this hill.
  2. Reloaded and Revolutions are fine movies. I'm sick of the crap, especially when it comes to the third movie. It is obvious that they do not stand up to the original, but personally I find them very likable and forgive their mistakes. Isn't that what Christ taught us, or Neo? Let's forgive. However, I still prefer Animatrix, which is the franchise title I've rewatched the most since the first film.
  3. Resurrections is a bad movie in my opinion. I will not expand on this here. Anyway, it's out today digitally and in theaters tomorrow, so you can judge for yourself. What I want to say, though, is that the real Matrix 4 is Sense8. This is The Matrix kids, this is the Wachowski legacy, and Netflix handled what they had on their hands like a total bummer.
    Fun trivia: the iconic Matrix code you see below was nothing more than sushi recipes. Damn poetic cinema.

Matrix is franchise that will never be forgotten and it will go down as the franchise that set the rules for many blockbuster , science fiction and action movies that came after.

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