CineTV Contest: La última pelea / Warrior [ESP-ENG]

¿Qué tal? Hoy me animé a participar por primera vez en este interesante concurso que gira en torno al cine. A pesar de que no veo muchas películas, estuve haciendo memoria para conseguir una que cumpliera con la temática de esta semana: "rivalidad".

Esta película fue "Warrior" también conocida como "La última pelea", una de tantas en las que los golpes y patadas están presentes, pues las artes marciales mixtas (MMA) no pasan desapercibidas. El drama es el tema central a pesar de los golpes y la acción en general, esto porque presenta las consecuencias de una ruptura familiar por causa del alcohol, un padre que fue exluchador, presentado como Paddy, trata de acercarse a sus hijos pero fracasa una y otra vez, el rechazo y la confrontación se presentan.

Tommy Riordan, interpretado por Tom Hardy, es quien parece estar más afectado y no es para menos pues a eso se suman los traumas provocados por su experiencia en el ejército. Por otro lado, su hermano mayor, Brendan Conlon, a pesar de moverse en un ambiente menos bélico, también muestra rencor hacia su padre por su pasado y su falta de voluntad en su lucha contra el alcohol.

Riordan se inscribe en un gimnasio para entrenar y es cuando un fuerte enfrentamiento se gesta, "Mad Dog", quien parece ser el más fuerte del ring no para de "ladrar" y dar alarde de sus habilidades. El ambiente se da y se comienza un sparring entre él y un Riordan frenético que lo derrota en un despliegue de habilidad y experiencia. Por otro lado, Conlon tiene problemas económicos que no logra superar con su sueldo de maestro universitario, por lo que se inscribe en peleas de MMA informales, se da a conocer que ambos hermanos tienen pasado en el deporte pero Riordan fue mucho más "brillante" en ese sentido.

Se corre el rumor de la participación de Conlon en peleas informales y esto le cuesta su puesto de trabajo, pues se considera bochornoso que un profesor participe en enfrentamientos tan poco civilizados o al menos es lo que se da a entender. Todo esto añade tensión a su situación familiar. Conlon también decide entrenar seriamente con Frank Campana, quien tenía un peleador estrella al que inscribiría en un gran evento venidero con un jugoso premio.

Sin embargo, este luchador se lesiona y se da la oportunidad de que Conlon participe; Riordan decide participar también, pero necesita apoyo, por lo que llama a su padre y se dan un par de situaciones algo difíciles entre ellos, pues Paddy trataba de acercarse y buscar redención pero seguía fallando. Por otro lado, Conlon tiene problemas con su esposa pues a ella no le agrada la idea de que su esposo se arriesgue tanto, dado que lleva tiempo retirado del mundo de la pelea.

What's up? Today I decided to participate for the first time in this interesting contest that revolves around movies. Despite the fact that I don't watch many movies, I was trying to find one that met this week's theme: "rivalry".

This movie was "Warrior" also known as "The Last Fight", one of many in which punches and kicks are present, as mixed martial arts (MMA) does not go unnoticed. The drama is the central theme despite the punches and action in general, this because it presents the consequences of a family breakup due to alcohol, a father who was a former fighter, presented as Paddy, tries to approach his children but fails again and again, rejection and confrontation are presented.

Tommy Riordan, played by Tom Hardy, is the one who seems to be the most affected and it is not for less because of the traumas caused by his experience in the army. On the other hand, his older brother, Brendan Conlon, despite moving in a less warlike environment, also shows resentment towards his father for his past and his unwillingness to fight alcohol.

Riordan enrolls in a gym to train and it is when a strong confrontation is gestated, "Mad Dog", who seems to be the strongest in the ring does not stop "barking" and flaunting his skills. The atmosphere is given and begins a sparring match between him and a frantic Riordan who defeats him in a display of skill and experience. On the other hand, Conlon has financial problems that he is unable to overcome with his university teacher's salary, so he signs up for informal MMA fights, it becomes known that both brothers have a past in the sport but Riordan was much "brighter" in that sense.

Rumor spreads of Conlon's involvement in informal fights and this costs him his job, as it is considered embarrassing for a teacher to engage in such uncivilized confrontations or at least that is what is implied. All of this adds tension to his family situation. Conlon also decides to seriously train with Frank Campana, who had a star fighter that he would enter in an upcoming big event with a juicy prize.

However, this fighter gets injured and the opportunity is given for Conlon to participate; Riordan decides to participate as well, but he needs support, so he calls his father and there are a couple of somewhat difficult situations between them, as Paddy was trying to reach out and seek redemption but kept failing. On the other hand, Conlon has problems with his wife because she doesn't like the idea of her husband taking such a risk, since he has been retired from fighting for some time.



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Durante el torneo se dan batallas increíbles en las que podría destacar Conlon vs Midnight Lee, enfrentamiento en el que Conlon casi pierde en el primer asalto, producto de una llave al cuello, pero contrario a todo pronóstico, logro aplicar una Kimura a su contrincante y hacer que este se rindiese. Otra batalla que destaca es Riordan vs Mad Dog, nuevamente aparece este personaje tan controversial en busca de venganza, pues se había viralizado el video en el que aparecía siendo derrotado de forma muy humillante por Riordan.

Mad Dog lo provoca antes de que la batalla inicie solo para terminar derrotado incluso más rápido que en su primer enfrentamiento con Riordan, un común denominador en sus batallas es que eran salvajes y rápidas, además de que al terminar salía de la jaula y volvía a los vestidores, seguro de que su oponente no se levantaría. También destaca la batalla de Conlon vs Koba, un imponente luchador ruso que era el favorito para ser el campeón del evento Sparta.

Este enfrentamiento fue muy salvaje, Conlon estaba muy golpeado y cansado, pero nuevamente, casi como si se tratase de un milagro, renace y aplica una llave a la pierna que obliga al ruso a rendirse. La emoción de sus antiguos alumnos, antiguo jefe, su esposa y el público no se hacen esperar. Durante el desarrollo de estas batallas también se ven dramáticas escenas en las que Paddy, frustrado, recae en su vicio y termina diciendo incoherencias y repitiendo las palabras de un audio que escuchaba.

Riordan, quien le había tratado bastante mal y hasta le lanzó fichas de casino cuando este trato de hablar un poco, se muestra dolido al ver el estado de su padre, por lo que le abraza y le lleva a la cama para que pudiese reposar y pasar la fuerte intoxicación por el alcohol. Las cosas mejoran un poco en su relación y poco a poco Paddy se redime.

Ya para la final, se revela que Riordan era un desertor, un antiguo compañero suyo a quien había salvado en Irak le reconoce y la información llega a las autoridades. Riordan se había cambiado el apellido al de su madre para evitar que le arrestaran por ello; su deserción fue a causa del fuego aliado que recibió durante una misión. Por ello se decidió que sería arrestado luego del evento. La final queda entre Riordan y Conlon, con una tremenda introducción por parte del narrador, quien revela que son hermanos.

During the tournament there are incredible battles in which Conlon vs Midnight Lee stands out, a confrontation in which Conlon almost lost in the first round, product of a necklock, but against all odds, he managed to apply a Kimura to his opponent and make him surrender. Another battle that stands out is Riordan vs Mad Dog, again appears this controversial character looking for revenge, because the video in which he appeared being defeated in a very humiliating way by Riordan had gone viral.

Mad Dog provokes him before the battle begins only to end up defeated even faster than in his first confrontation with Riordan, a common denominator in their battles is that they were wild and fast, plus at the end he left the cage and returned to the locker room, sure that his opponent would not get up. It also highlights the battle of Conlon vs Koba, an imposing Russian fighter who was the favorite to be the champion of the Sparta event.

This confrontation was very wild, Conlon was badly beaten and tired, but again, almost as if it were a miracle, he is reborn and applies a leglock that forces the Russian to surrender. The excitement of his former students, his former boss, his wife and the audience is not long in coming. During the development of these battles there are also dramatic scenes in which Paddy, frustrated, relapses into his vice and ends up speaking incoherently and repeating the words of an audio he heard.

Riordan, who had treated him quite badly and even threw casino chips at him when he tried to talk a little, is hurt to see the state of his father, so he hugs him and takes him to bed so he could rest and pass the strong alcohol intoxication. Things improve a bit in their relationship and little by little Paddy redeems himself.

By the finale, it is revealed that Riordan was a deserter, a former colleague of his who he had saved in Iraq recognizes him and the information reaches the authorities. Riordan had changed his last name to his mother's to avoid being arrested for it; his desertion was due to allied fire he received during a mission. It was therefore decided that he would be arrested after the event. The finale is between Riordan and Conlon, with a tremendous introduction by the narrator, who reveals that they are brothers.

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Source, article from Cinescopia

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El enfrentamiento final muestra a un Conlon que trata de que las cosas no se salgan de control, duda en varias ocasiones y eso lleva a que Frank le recrimine su falta de carácter en el ring. Por otro lado, Riordan es más frenético y agresivo, pero en ese frenesí termina abriendo una brecha en su defensa que termina en una llave a su brazo.

Todo indicaba que Riordan ya perdería, pero este no se rinde y sigue golpeando a su hermano con su codo libre, por ello Conlon aplica más fuerza y termina lesionando el brazo de Riordan. Conlon le pide que se rinda, pero su propuesta termina sin éxito, su hermano decide pelear con un solo brazo. Conlon insiste, en que se rinda, el enfrentamiento ya estaba terminado y era una locura que siguiese tratando de pelear, pero Riordan no responde a su petición y le pide que siga la batalla.

Conlon decide hacer un combo que incluye un amague y una patada que derriba a su hermano y lo deja vulnerable a otra llave, esta vez al cuello. Entre repetitivos "Lo lamento hermano, lo lamento", Conlon mantiene la llave hasta que Riordan se rinde. De fondo suena la épica y emotiva canción de la banda "The National", llamada "About Today", que marca el final de esta espectacular película.

The final confrontation shows a Conlon who tries to keep things from getting out of control, he hesitates on several occasions and that leads to Frank reprimanding him for his lack of character in the ring. On the other hand, Riordan is more frantic and aggressive, but in that frenzy ends up opening a gap in his defense that ends in a key to his arm.

Everything indicated that Riordan would already lose, but he does not give up and continues to hit his brother with his free elbow, so Conlon applies more force and ends up injuring Riordan's arm. Conlon asks him to surrender, but his proposal ends without success, his brother decides to fight with only one arm. Conlon insists, that he gives up, the confrontation was already finished and it was crazy for him to keep trying to fight, but Riordan does not respond to his request and asks him to continue the battle.

Conlon decides to do a combo that includes a feint and a kick that knocks his brother down and leaves him vulnerable to another headlock, this time to the neck. Between repetitive "I'm sorry brother, I'm sorry," Conlon holds the hold until Riordan surrenders. In the background plays the epic and emotional song by the band "The National", called "About Today", which marks the end of this spectacular film.

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Source, article from Cinescopia

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Source, Youtube, Song: "The National" - About Today. Subtitles and editions by "Quiet “Quiet night Subs” night Subs"

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