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Who would have thought that a medical tv series could be good? House is a story about a sarcastic genius doctor who is also an addict. He can also be a massive asshole. Despite solving most difficult medical cases House seems to have an even bigger talent-to make everyone he meets dislike him. He is in a constant physical and emotional pain. His suffering is only made bearable with indulgence to his addictions. Either to enormous amount of pills or the puzzles and other mind challenges. House only has one true friend Wilson. But even his and House relationship is intense and stange. House loves pranking others and Wilson seems like the only one who can match him in that area. One time Wilson took House's guitar hostage. Despite his numerous flaws and addictions House has a bizarre code of honor and honesty. For instance this can be seen when his boss asks House to make a spiech praising his mew medication (thus earning boss even more money). So instead of kissing the boss ass and doing what he is told House remains true to his stubborn self and tells the truth- that boss new pills are basically the same crap he was selling before. I am sure that those few words costed House's boss millions of dollars. In other words House made a dangerous enemy by telling the truth. But House didn't care about consequences and stayed honest. If I have not sold you on this series yet I should also mention that it is partly based on Sherlock Holmes. Yes on that Sherlock Holmes. Like Holmes House is talented in various areas. But he is also an addict who lives just to catch criminals solve medical cases. And Wilson is a lot like doctor Watson. I love watching House and I don't think that I have seen a bad episode in this series. That is quite an achievement considering that it is 8 seasons long.