CineTv Contest #30: Mara and Clara

Inage is a screebshot from the movie*

Mara and Clara, a Philippine movie series that got many young and even middle aged ladies in Nigeria glued to their Tv screens for hours on end is ironically the movie that gives me the tranquilizer to go off sleeping whenever its in play.
Although my sisters find it interesting, it kicks me off to bed whenever I try watching it. Actually, it is kind of interesting and educating but it does not fall into my kind of movies. I prefer the actions and masculine adventure movies to love and romance filled ones.
It is all about a set of twins who got separated at birth and one was offered to a rich home while the other lived with humble parents.
I find not just this particular movie out of my taste but most romance movies as well. I cannot sit around for ours watching people's love lives and complication of lack of trust in love and loving, its too feminine for me and I find such movies dull and boring.
I think one needs movies that warm up the blood, show dangerous scenes and shows of strength and courage while facing physical dangers and oppositions.
Anytime I try to bring myself to watch movies such as thus Mara and Clara, I just wake up hours later to discover I have dozed off.


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