Cine Tv contest- Movies that represents kindness

Hello everyone in this community, indeed it is a great opportunity for me to take part in this Contest and I hope am welcome as well.

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The movie I want to talk about in this contest which you can also see the link here to the contest;
And yes you are free to take part in this Contest as well.

So back to what I was saying, is that the name of this movie that shows kindness is Encanto

This movie tslks about a family who have super powers and abilities and werew capable of anything. All these things was under the protection of a candle which protected them and they showed love to the community as well.

It amazes as they where able to keep the community together and of course took care of everyone and their business.

This is a movie you should watch out for very interesting and of course you won't regret it.

Thanks for reading through this post and I hope and look up to your support as well, friends 😍

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