RE: What do expect from Joker: Folie à Deux?

Wow, ok, a musical?
And then I read Lady Gaga in it. She is a great singer. Must be ok then, since I usually don't like musicals as well. But perhaps this is a movie with lots of music, but not a musical as most are? Meaning I don't hope the actors are dancing in the streets while singing. Or speaking to each other in a singing voice? Or not too much at least? Guess we shall watch the movie to be sure 🙃
Fun fact, not too long ago, I didn't even know how good Lady Gaga can sing.
Owww 'not-to-long' means about months so it seems 😆 @edje/she-can-actually-sing-who-lady-gaga-was-i-living-under-a-rock-my-story-of-discovery

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