Cine TV Contest: The Prestige || Always make sure you look carefully because only those who want to be deceived look carelessly

Who says the time machine hasn't been invented!

I think it was invented and it's called cinema.

It has the ability to take us to the past and the future at the same time and it is mesmerising. You may perceive this as an exaggeration and think of it as such, but for me it is just the after-effect of a fascinating and mysterious film.

In between our conversation, I should mention that this was prepared by @cinetv for the contest organised every week in the CineTV Community. I recommend you to participate with your original content in the contest, which is broadcast regularly every week and continues in the atmosphere of a fun event.

This week's prompt: Mystery films

You can find the rules of the competition and the community in the thread below.

Cine TV Contest #24 - Favorite Mystery Movie


The 2006 film The Prestige is a wonderful production about the art of the magician and how friendship turns into deadly rivalry.

Magic was one of the favourite professions of my childhood. One of the biggest reasons for this was that only magicians knew the difference between "destroying and restoring" something. To own the mystery of the illusion was to own the magic and the fame it would bring. Although it has lost its popularity today, it once contained one of the biggest shows of the stage world.

Isn't it tempting to be one of those who shape magic in the magical world of magic?


The film The Prestige starts with two people who are at the beginning of their profession on the same stage and in the same show. During the show, one of the parties has to watch his wife drown to death because of the knot tied by the other. After the misfortune, the paths separated turn into the competition of two magicians. The rivalry, in time, turns into revenge and the poisoning brought by fame and power in obscurity. The rivalry between the parties adds a unique viewing pleasure to the film.

''I will make the best show'' or the effort to reveal the trick used by the other party in his show and humiliate him seemed to prove that human beings have no limits in terms of mischief and jealousy. The film and the effect of the film were really excellent, the characters who managed to hide until the last moment and the scenes full of mystery they added to the end of the film were frames that only befit a magician show.


While witnessing what ambition and revenge can turn a person into, trying to perform magic with a real machine invented beyond the magic and illusion he uses in his show leads to many unethical events.

For example; While the machine performs teleportation and cloning at the same time, it performs the evil of creating another one from the same person (cloning) besides the beauty of taking someone from one point and moving them to another point. When this is presented as an illusion by a magician, it requires the cloned person to be killed.


100 shows with the machine means 100 murders and the only reason for all this is to prove that he is "the best in the world of magic". The truth underneath all this is only the feeling of revenge.

The fact that the machine is used and carried only by blind men is only to hide the mystery of the machine and what it does. Although the effort to use and hide such a gigantic invention is considered as a simple film frame, it deserves to be applauded.


The "prestige" that gives the film its name is only the last stage of the show.

And the last stage of the film is a short presentation of the events from the beginning to the end of the film. And again, the last scene of the presentation is actually the film The Prestige.

Make sure you always look carefully because only those who want to be deceived look carelessly.


I strongly recommend you to watch the film, but watch it very carefully! It contains the magic that the most skilful magicians do even in their real lives. While travelling in the magical world of magic, it becomes difficult to realise which one is real, which one is a lie or which one is magic/illusion.

Whatever mood the screenwriter was in, he reflected it to the director. I doubt that even they know how the next scenes in this film will take place or end! Or they are very good in the way they reflect their work!

See you in my next article, all content belongs to me. @cute-cactus

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