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CineTV Contest #62 - Favorite Football Movie

Goal is the American football movie I have chosen for this week's Cinetv contest, and I am happy to write about it.

In this movie Goal, it's about someone called Santiago, he was exactly passionate about becoming a football player, but the challenges and the advised of the people in the family as always the situation wanted to pull him back, Santiago was doing everything necessary for himself to become a football player, the dreamer was able to flow along the obstacles and what he wants to become in life.

Santiago's father in particular and some other people in the family were not in support of him, and anything can be hectic to achieve when our immediate family are not supportive of our dreams, it might not only show up in the way we do things alone.

Having this kind of thought that our family is not supportive of the path we take, is going to affect our spiritual well-being as a person in general.

So when I was watching the film, I think a lot about Santiago, would the dreamer be able to coop in his dreams and not disobey his family's order.

But he did it smoothly and he was able to handle the situation, he won and pursue his dream until the moment he sees that he has reached where he wants, I applaud him for his strategy to win over.

I like the film because it makes me understand that one's dream for oneself is final and nothing is going to block it, when once one a person is all out to pursue his dream, Santiago did not submit and went all out to fulfill his mission as a football player, the road widened just for him to enter.

But I also dislike the movie in this sense, it is not good for a child to disobey his parents, so I don't think what Santiago did was so good, if this movie is seen in a family, in the presence of the young one's, it could corrupt the minds of the young one's, because they saw in a movie how someone refused to obey his parents and it was okay with him.

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