Script writing contest for the movie "Prop 232" - Round 1 - Extended Deadline!

script writing contest round 1 cinetv & scholar and scribe.pngCreated in Canva Pro

Calling all writers to join this contest!

I know often contests are published with a horrible timing, and when the markets don't look as great as they did anymore, people lose interest. That's no difference here I guess, but I know there are still a lot of great writers around that could help us make this contest a success. Please tag all the writers you know in a comment or share this blog to get more eyes on the post. We really appreciate any kind of exposure!

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Extended deadline

To get more eyes on the contest, we have decided to extend this round with another week to submit your entries. This means this round will now run until

  • Friday December 2nd, 23.59

I will add a timer to this post so you can easily check if you're still submitting within the deadline.

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The emphasis of this contest is to have fun!

If you are just a hobby writer and think you know nothing about script writing, this contest is meant to have some fun and who knows you might pick up a few new skills along the way or find a new passion to explore. I personally have never written a script but I will try to enter myself at some point. The thing is I didn't have any time for it yet in the past week, maybe this is the same for you? I hope this was the case and some sweet new entries will pop in the comment section of the contest post during the next week. This way we are sure not to miss any of your entries.

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Maybe you have questions?

As I explained in the contest post myself, this is a new field for me too, it's something that I'm doing by trial and error. I'm not a pro script writer and I can only say that this initiative has been set up by some film fanatics that thought this would be a fun idea. If I wasn't clear about something, don't feel embarrassed to ask what you need to know, I'll answer as soon as possible.

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A few notes

Thank you to @fantom22, @bethyjade, @nbarrios67 and @misslasvegas for submitting an entry to round one! We have seen and listed your entries and now it's time to wait until the contest closes to see who won a prize. You will have to wait one more week now that the contest is extended, but hopefully this also means we have a few more entries we can all enjoy and compete with.

There is one thing I'd like to remind everyone of and that's the correct way to add a source to your image as well as picking the images that are ok to use, not just randomly found on the internet. We had one good entry from @bethyjade that we had to disqualify for this reason. We believe there is no harm intended, therefore we invite her to submit another entry in case she feels inspired to do so.

I will leave the link @traciyork left on her entry here for other readers and writers as well, it's a guide by @sidwrites - The Ultimate Hive Copyright Guide. Very useful in case you're wondering if you're doing the right thing when using other people's images. Please check it out.

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The valid entries so far

Below you can find the valid entries so far:

Good luck everyone!

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Final thoughts

We are still excited about the format of the contest and hope more writers find their way to the contest in the next week. Please make sure to first check out the rules and guidelines in the contest post and leave a comment to your entry in the comment section of the original contest post. Maybe reading the other entries can inspire you to write your own entry, just always remember to be original and use images that you are allowed to use linking to the source.

For now, this is all, wishing you a great weekend and lots of writing fun in the next week!

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