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The Good Doctor S4 E15 & Community Governance

Dear Souls

i've posted about this series 2 or 3 times before, and how the "doctoring" is not good, but on the contrary is very bad, as with nearly all western medicine. i have continued watching it however (struggling through the covid episodes which contribute to the #massmurdermachine of #thepowersthatshouldntbe), due to the personal interactions between the characters helping me to integrate un-integrated emotions.

Image Source - Netflix screenshot

This episode (S4 E15) continued in that vein and i shed some tears. There was surprisingly however some good doctoring in this episode. Two children received bullet wounds during a protest & multiple surgery was necessary for both. This is one of the rare occasions (accidents/injuries) in my opinion when western medicine can be good, and holistic medicine (in the physical realm anyway) probably cannot help.

Only one episode left i think, but time for me to sleep (after this post).

How good would it be if western medicine could focus on what it is good at (accidents/injuries), leaving behind the only for profit carnage caused by pharmaceuticals, chemotherapy, radiation, and most other unnecessary surgeries?

All the rest, caused, at the root by wrong thinking (belief in the false sense of i) and the subsequent unintegrated emotions leading to bad physical actions, leading to physical disease, could be handled by holistic doctors using proven methods such as fasting, colon cleansing, urine therapy, breathwork, far infra-red sauna, dry skin brushing, chlorine dioxide and many more methods.

At the moment however these methods which actually work to prevent or restore health, are reserved for the very few who find out about them and are able to step outside of the brainwashing by the corpocracy who do whatever they can to suppress methods which cost nothing, or next to nothing. God forbid people live and corporate profits die!

Western medicine is mostly #masmurder! (in my opinion).
No Disclaimer - #%ck You FDA and all other corrupt government agencies!

However, this CAN all be changed. But it requires US, We the People to actually do something constructive instead of just observing and obeying from the sidelines.

** It is time to lift our heads from out of the sand**, to metaphorically tell them to shove their masks and needles and schools etc. up their a###s, by creating equitable systems which do not rape and murder the people.

There is a blueprint for a decentralised governance system available, which can be used so we the people can govern ourselves equitably, and share many ways in which we can treat ourselves better.

This not only includes the medical industry, but also food industry, education, well, the list is endless. The Powers that Shouldn't Be have their fingers in every pie, but WE can disrupt their evil ways by building different ways, so their government, media and other corporate puppets will no longer survive as they will be starved of our energy.

Practically, there is a way to achieve this, for the benefit if all beings, to restore harmony to this world in which we appear to live.

WE, as individuals can choose to take full responsibility and not just watch from the sidelines.

We can choose to courageously take effective non violent actions to create our own equitable people powered decentralised systems which, as we grow and the masses begin to use them, the corrupt systems will fall into disuse.

There is a blueprint for a system (with a dApp in the very early stages of development, initially by @snider, the lead Developer of #Lethean @dVPN, a privacy coin, dVPN and potentially so much more - check it out, it's a good time to buy a big bag).

The system has the ability to facilitate the creation of worldwide connected communities in an extremely well organised manner, using an anonymous concentrated consensus mechanism which will enable community/organisation members to take agreed upon action steps, coordinated as one.

Each community/organisation, using a sub-platform of The Matrix-8 Solution, can act autonomously as one, yet all the individuals in those organisations will be connected to and part of the* mother world community system* thus enabling worldwide mass coordinated action steps.

Just imagine the possibilities.

The #PowersThatShouldntBe won't stand a chance as we the people walk together, step by coordinated step into freedom and abundance for humanity.

There is much to learn to understand how the system works, yet if YOU courageously choose to invest some of your time to research to a level of understanding then you will be richly rewarded.

Would you like to help humanity break free from slavery and suffering (and have fun, get rich and become a super-hero at the same time)?

WE, each of us individually, can learn about and test and use this viable solution to many world issues, a potentially revolutionary people powered equitable governance system, The Matrix-8 Solution.

i want YOU to help, please!

We really need a group of 50 - 100 people to learn about and understand and help to alpha test the system to get it off the ground. Those in this early stage will have the most effect of increasing the value of the network so will likely be highly rewarded (by consensus of the network members, using the Matrix-8 consensus mechanism).

i quote @theycallmedan from this very insightful post regarding Censorship Resistant Layer 1 governance & Decentralised governance for layer 2 (which Matrix-8 is mostly designed for, yet could perhaps be used at least partially to improve layer 1 CrGov):

it takes the wisest of people to put in the work of planting the tree, in hunger and patiently waiting for it to grow.

unless we have another satoshi-like character, IE someone who creates revolutionary software then walks away and relinquishes all control to the community, we don't even have a foundation to work with if we're talking about a creator creating a new blockchain.

The DAO must be born inside of an existing CrChain, to begin with, or corruption will set in early and centralize the chain surely.

i think that @matrix-8 John Huckel, and @snider (and myself) are "satoshi-like" characters, and will step away and relinquish all control once a DAO is created, yet i hope The Matrix-8 Solution can be built on Hive (bringing potentially BILLIONS of new users to Hive) for this reason.

i've not yet finished reading Dan's post, so will comment more in a new post later.

Are you one of those wisest people? If so, please take some time to learn more about Matrix-8 here:

Please also Join the New Age DApps community to read more posts to learn more. Not forgetting to ask questions, offer ideas etc. and pre-mine KLU's.

When making comments and asking questions under each of the posts or comments as you learn, (if you choose to take this courageous step), please add #matrix8 and/or #m8s hashtags to help identify your "mining" by learning so the community can later airdrop you with KLU tokens (Knowledge, Leadership, Understanding).

Peace and love to you


All photos taken by me with Redmi Note 9 Pro (unless noted otherwise)

#teamuk #proofofbrain #palnet #matrix8 #m8s