E.T., The Extra-Terrestrial (1982)



After the failed attempt to win the Academy Award for best director with Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Raiders of the Lost Ark, Steven Spielberg returns to the extraterrestrial theme with E.T., The Extra-Terrestrial in 1982 and again is nominated but still is not the winner in the line, also returns to work with children.

However, with a production cost of only 10 million dollars, half of the previous films, he manages to break the box office obtaining almost 800 million dollars, becoming the highest grossing film in history until 1993, when it was surpassed by Jurassic Park, also directed by him.



The film's script was written by Melissa Mathison and the plot is simple, an alien is abandoned on Earth when the others are discovered taking botanical samples of the planet and a boy named Elliot and played by Henry Thomas manages to make contact with this, becoming friends and taking him home.

E.T.'s circle of friends grows with the boy's siblings, Michael and Gertie, played by Robert MacNaughton and Drew Barrymore, and a psychic connection is made between the stranger and Elliot, as he learns to speak English.

Both E.T. and the boy become ill and, faced with the possibility of death, the latter's mother notifies the government who takes care of both, who alternately die and come back to life.



E.T. notifies Elliot that his people are returning to look for him and the boy, in an escape worthy of the best action film and with the help of his friends, takes the being to the place where the ship will land.

Undoubtedly, this is the most tense part of the film and, together with the moments in which the children manage to coexist with the visitor, are the ones that mark the public's interest in this production.



Of the 9 Oscar nominations, it won Best Soundtrack, Best Sound, Best Sound Editing and Best Visual Effects, losing Best Picture to Gandhi, a film that barely made 127 million in box office, but did win the Golden Globe in that category.

That same year Atari created a game inspired by the film, it should be noted that the alien was a mechanical model created by Carlo Rambald but that in some scenes, wearing similar costumes, it was embodied by Pat Bilon, Tamara de Treaux, Matthew de Meritt, an eleven year old boy who was born without legs, while the voice was done by Pat Welsh.



E.T. was transformed and is still the most beloved alien in history and a cult movie that can be seen at any time.

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