#ChristmasInHK2022: Hearty Christmas at Festival Walk


Last Tuesday, we went ice skating with my boss's daughter, and she taught me how to ice skate. That was a funny and enjoyable experience. I'll share about it one of these days.

The place was cleaned for ice resurfacing at lunchtime, so we opted to visit a Christmas installation at the event space after eating lunch. While waiting for the ice skating place to open to the public, we enjoyed taking photos of the Christmas installations.

This year, the Festival Walk theme is hearty Christmas which you can tell from the photos above. The giant Christmas tree has heart-shaped designs even on other installations around it.

This hearty Christmas only reminds us that this season is not only about giving gifts, but also about giving love. It's also a time for peace and reconciliation. Isn't it wonderful to end the year without any hatred, misunderstandings, and heavy feelings in our hearts afnd minds? Let's just spread love, not hate šŸ˜Š.

This is also what I like here in HK, different places turned into wonderlands with different grand Christmas installations. One of them is the Santa Village in IFC Mall inspired by the real Santa village in Artic Circle Finland. You can click the link to read my blog about it.

By tomorrow, the 16th of December, the real countdown to Christmas will begin. It's also the start of Misa de Gallo or night mass in the Philippines which is a Christmas tradition that will continue until the last mass at 24th midnight to welcome Christmas. Tomorrow is also my brother's birthday šŸ˜Š. For sure, kids are also excited about Christmas caroling that will start tomorrow night and are now preparing for songs to sing, and instruments to use.

These are just some of the things I missed in the Philippines Christmas that I can't find here abroad.

Advance Merry Christmas Hiveans!



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