Hi hive friends.

This post is for #SublimeSunday is inspired by @c0ff33a and #BeautifulSunday is initiated by @ace108.

It was Sunday, so today we had planned to visit a beautiful village in the same way. A week ago, this is the village where we have spent 10 years of our life and after that we moved here. because then there were not so many facilities within the village and the city was very important for education etc.

When we lived there inside the villages our business was also there and we spent 10 years there from 1997 to 2007 we lived inside the villages it was fun to live there and it was very good too.

It seemed that there were things to see and eat, which were very important for our health, so we decided to refresh our childhood memories and go to the same place, so we left home at around 8 o'clock in the morning.

We went and by nine o'clock we reached there. We went there after a long time and things had changed a lot. We are standing inside. It was a little bit inside from the road, so we are seeing all the things here.

When we went there and saw all these things, that childhood grew in front of our eyes. The pollution here is also much less than in the city because people don't have so many vehicles here and the people who have them like to live a simple life. And some people have motorbikes and all these people's life is from their house to their fields.

They wake up in the morning and go to their fields. Apart from this, they also planted vegetables here, spinach was also planted and many such vegetables were planted which nowadays the urban people like to eat.

After cutting it, they go inside the city and sell it in the market, and there are some people who buy the things here in these villages and take them away.

All these things that you're looking at, this is the grass that these people plant for their animals so that they don't have to buy it from outside, and then they cut it here and cut it into small pieces through a machine and then they mix two or three things inside this grass.

And then give it to their animals because it is very important to take care of animals. When the animal is healthy, it will be able to work harder and carry more weight. These people are also in one place.

They use animals to move things from one place to another and some people are now using tractors in the fields and some people are still farming with the help of their animals. If we talk about the cold here, the cold here is much more than the city, because here all the area is the most and then the service is more in such a place, that's why we are also now.

When we go for a walk, we leave the house at nine o'clock, earlier we used to leave at five o'clock, but now the weather has changed, because it is cold, we have to lie down because we used to go for a walk on our bike. And then if the cold will be too much, then we will get sick, that's why we have to be careful about all these things.

But there were many other special vegetables which are in season today, it takes a lot of effort and time to cook them and to prepare them and if we see, one vegetable here is 20 to 25 days.

It is prepared inside, but it has to be taken care of daily, it has to be watered at the right time and there are some other special things, such as fertilizers, etc. They also have to be added and then they are formed in a good way and their growth.

There were some trees that had no leaves on them but their wood was very fine and very beautiful as we know that in winter when the cold winds blow these leaves that are below the trees. They fall down and only the wood remains and all these things we are seeing around us today.

Even the trees inside the city have their leaves fallen down and their colors change due to the sun. And the rest for a few other reasons but they still look pretty cool and you can see here we've also included a picture of the bike we went for a spin on.

You can see in these pictures that what I have in my hand are spinach leaves and today their season is going on, so people from the city or from the villages like to eat this vegetable very much.

And with it you can add meat and you can also add aloes then the complete handi is ready and it takes one and a half to two months to get ready here and it is very important to give water on time.

So the leaves that are there are burnt and they cannot be used again because you can see that the leaves that are in my hand are washed and chopped properly and then they are prepared as a vegetable. Yes, it is first made fine in some way inside the handi and then spices etc. are added and then a good and tasty handi is prepared.

In this picture, you can see that this water is standing up, it is through this source that water is given to all the fields, towel are driven from the back and then things are made in a way and this water goes straight. The crops seem to.

Children here don't even have clean clothes to wear as you can see in this picture so what we all should do here is to go to such areas and help all these people so that it is also good.

By going here and visiting all these places, a person gets a different peace and the more the urban life of a person is in trouble and the more easy and beautiful the life of the villages, then we should visit here once or twice or three times a week. Must spend.

I hope you have enjoyed this journey and seeing all these trees and crops and reading my words will definitely increase your knowledge.

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