Fruit & Veg week in our house! HELP!


We were away on holiday for a week and definitely ate far too much unhealthy food, so this week we deceived to do a fruit and vegetable diet for the week (and if it goes well then next week too!)

And I’ve got to say it’s been SOOOOO HARD!!! Cutting out the snacks isn’t too bad but I usually don’t feel satisfied after a purely vegetarian meal.

Can all the wonderful plantbased foodies give me some advice? I guess it’s because we’ve also cut out all the grains and that’s what I’m craving.



We started the week with a lovely fruit salad that we’re having for breakfast every morning and I splashed out and made a yummy chia seed and coconut milk pudding with cinnamon to add a creaminess to the fruit salad - otherwise it’s a LOT of acid for my stomach.

The Chia Pudding Recipe:

1 Can coconut milk
4 tablespoons chia seeds
½-1 teaspoon cinnamon
Dash of honey



Mix well and refrigerate overnight.


I added it to my fruit salad 2 hours after making the chia pudding and it was still quite runny.


But today I added it again and you can see that the texture is far more like a fluffy mousse and so tasty! The chia seeds expand similar to tapioca or sago and absorb a lot of the moisture in the coconut milk.

I also made a wonderful Potato and leek Soup for lunch but it’s dinner that’s been more tricky. Send any recipes my way otherwise I might fall of the wagon and backslide into carb heaven once again.


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