Introducing our traditional sawayan(vermicelli) which are nearly becoming distinct

Hey Hola dear foodies, you all are familiar with noodles spaghetti but you are not familiar with hand-made vermicelli. here you go, I will tell you about the traditional desi Punjabi hand-made vermicelli .well this vermicelli looks like a small curve thread of layer which is made by dough of all-purpose flour. It became nearly distinct in the city side because people are more into noodles pasta and ready-made long thread vermicelli, they are forgetting the pure delicious taste of village side hand made vermicelli. It is cooked in butter oil.


First Step

So the first step is really easy we just put 2 tablespoons of butter oil into the pan and then add one and a half cups of handmade away(vermicelli).

Step TWO

In step two we will stir the vermicelli's with the help spatula until it turns into a brownish color.

Step Three

In step three we add water to make the vermicelli soft and tender

Step Four

In step four we will add sugar(as per taste) and let the water and sugar dissolve in the pan.

Step Five

in step five we will turn off the stove and will serve into the plates. :-)


your vermecilli's are ready.

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