Eid Dishes - Chicken Curry & Rice Cake

Eid-ul Fitr Dish
Chicken Curry

Eid Mubarak Everyone...
From depth of my heart, with this special pray, that your Eid be filled with pleasures, smiles, colors, love, sympathies, good feelings, joys, and peace…

Speaking of which, today is Eid-ul Fitr for all muslims in the whole world. After pass 30 days of Ramadan, now we get our victory, called Eid-ul Fitr. Eid-ul Fitr also called the "Festival of Breaking the Fast" or Lesser Eid, or simply Eid.

Talking about Eid, we can't far away from the special dish. In Eid, every family cooked Chicken Curry called Opor Ayam with the Rice Cake or Ketupat.

In this Eid, although I was far away from my family, I can eat Opor Ayam. My neighbors give me their dish. And that's really delicious.

Chicken Curry & Rice Cake

Chicken Curry

Opor ayam or Chicken Curry is a dish of chicken with coconut milk that is very popular throughout Indonesia, especially in Central Java and West Java.

This one dish is made from the main ingredients of chicken meat cooked with various spices, and thick coconut milk produced from coconut fruit.

Chicken Curry cooked by adding turmeric, is said to be “luwih ayu” (prettier), not pale and healthier for the body because turmeric is used to balance coconut milk.

As it is known that the function of turmeric is very good for the health of the body. The meaning of the yellow color is associated with gold, which connotes for prosperity.

Rice Cake


Rice cake or Ketupat is a typical maritime Southeast Asian dish made from rice wrapped in a wrapper made of woven young coconut leaves (janur), or sometimes from other palm leaves.

There are two main forms of a rice cake namely a seven-pointed head (more common) and a six-pointed parallelogram. Each shape has a different woven groove.

To make a rice cake woven, it is necessary to choose a quality leaf that is long and wide, not too young and not too old.

If you have rice cake, you no needs to consume rice anymore.

Rice cake or Ketupat is also a complement to the chicken curry so that both of these dishes always be together at Eid celebrations.

Chicken Curry & Rice Cake

Happy Eid Mubarak.

I wish you all a very happy and peaceful Eid.

May Allah accept your good deeds, forgive your transgressions and ease the suffering of all people around the globe.

all photos taken by SAMSUNG GALAXY A10

About the Author:

Vivie Hardika

I have so many imagination in my head. Something that I can't achieve as human and as a girl. So writing very challenging. Since in Junior High School, I written whatever I want to write. Without skill, I just write what I want to read. Now I have 10th published novels and all of that are romance.

Yeah, I proudly say that I am an mulititalent author!

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