sabroso arroz con pollo rico en vitamina.tasty rice with vitamin-rich chicken.

hola mis amigos de hive aqui les traigo esta suculenta comida rico arroz con pollo hecho facil y rico en proteinas.

hello my friends from hive here I bring you this succulent meal rich rice with chicken made easy and rich in protein.


ingredientes: pollo, cebolla, tomate, arroz, papa, color,sal,cubito.

ingredients: chicken, onion, tomato, rice, potato, color, salt, cube.


pasos.en una olla colocar la cebolla, tomate ,con un toque de aceite y agua,luego colocandole la sal cubito y color al cocinar los aliños le colocas el pollo y las papas, alcocinarce se le coloca el arroz y las tazas de agua y taparlo, hasta q seque y el arroz afloje y listo. a pot to place the onion, tomato, with a touch of oil and water, then placing the salt cube and color to cook the dressings you place the chicken and potatoes, alcocinarce is placed the rice and cups of water and cover it, until it dries and the rice loosen and ready.


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espero que les guste mi post mi gente, hasta la proxima,

I hope you like my post my people, see you next time,

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