What Is American Food? A Guide to What It Means to Be 'American'


What Is American Food? A Guide to What It Means to Be 'American'


Food is perhaps one of the most universal ways for people to express their culture, heritage, and values. The foods that are most commonly associated with America—things like burgers, hot dogs, pizza, and steak—are also some of its most misunderstood. When you think of American food, what comes to mind? Perhaps a juicy cheeseburger? A hot dog wrapped in a crispy, grilled onion slice? A plate piled high with crispy fries and ketchup? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then you’re correct; these foods are all distinctly American. But what does it mean for something to be ‘American’ when it comes to food? What makes these specific foods stand out as emblematic of America as a whole? And if we can identify specific foods as American (regardless of their origin), how could that apply to other cultures or cuisines?

What is American Food?
American food encompasses a wide variety of cuisines. It’s important to note that there is no official definition for ‘American food’, as it’s not a cultural or culinary tradition that is recognized by historians or anthropologists. While many foods are commonly associated with ‘American’ culture, it’s not always clear how they came to be so or why they are representative of the U.S.A. as a whole. American food is primarily a melting pot of different cultural influences. Due to the sheer size of the country, combined with its unique history, the food of the U.S. is distinct from that of other nations. Many of the most iconic American foods are a result of the country’s vast diversity, incorporating various cultural and ethnic influences.

Burgers and Fries
Since the first burger was served by Harry M. and Margaret S. Otlowski at their restaurant in nearby Beverly, Massachusetts in 1926, the burger has become an American staple. The original burger was made from a combination of ground beef, minced onions, and a few other spices. This simple but classic combination has made it an American classic since its inception. While burgers are popular in many different cultures, the American version is distinct from other burger styles due to its larger size, the specific toppings and sauces used, and the type of bun used to serve it. The fries that are commonly served alongside burgers are also a distinctly American side dish. While French fries are also a popular side dish in many other countries, the American version is typically cut thicker and served with a variety of toppings and sauces.

Hot Dogs and Pizza
Hot dogs are another iconic American food and have been served in the United States since the late 19th century. Unlike the modern-day hot dog, the original version was much larger; the abundant use of relishes and other toppings were not yet commonplace. Many of the toppings and condiments now commonly served with hot dogs have specific American origins, with ketchup and mustard being the most notable. The pizza that is commonly associated with America is also distinct from the original Italian dish. The American pizza tends to be much larger and have more toppings, along with a thicker crust. The types of toppings used on American pizza are also distinct from those used in Italy. While the tomato sauce and mozzarella cheese are still commonly used, many other toppings have a distinctly American origin.

Steak and Potatoes
Steak and potatoes is another classic American dish that has both cultural and historical significance. Steak can trace its roots back to the ancient cultures of the Incas, while potatoes are believed to have originated in South America. When these two ingredients were brought together to create steak and potatoes, they were served as a celebratory dish. The American version of steak and potatoes is typically a large piece of meat that is grilled or roasted, along with a serving of potatoes (often mashed or baked). While steak and potatoes are a popular dish in many other countries, the American version is distinct due to the use of larger pieces of meat and a variety of baked or mashed potatoes.

One of the most interesting things about American food is that it is constantly evolving and adapting to new cultures and ideas. As the country continues to grow and change, so does its cuisine. With an ever-growing list of cultural influences and immigrants, American food is bound to change and diversify even further. Will there come a day when we will have trouble identifying what American food is? Only time will tell.

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