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Stir-fried Champignon Mushroom Mixed Tofu and Pakcoy


Hello, food lovers...

Happy weekend!
Today I cook from the ingredients I bought last Friday at the traditional market near my house.

I still have supplies of materials, such as; campignon mushrooms, pakcoy, meatballs, silken tofu, and vegetables such as carrots.

My family members are the type of people who really like vegetables. From my youngest nephew, to my mother who is the oldest member of the house, everyone loves vegetables.

We always feel that something is missing when our menu doesn't contain vegetables. So, as much as possible, should always include vegetables in every diet.

Campignon mushrooms are one of my favorite foodstuffs. Of the various types of mushrooms that can be eaten, I like the campignon mushrooms and enoki mushrooms the most. Apart from the taste that tends to be neutral and the texture is chewy, these two mushrooms are very easy to absorb the spices when cooked.

Speaking of mushrooms, I have a little story about my experience as a child and looking for mushrooms in the backyard garden to be processed into food.

This idea started with my late father who was very fond of exploring food menus. Although there are wild mushrooms that are poisonous when consumed, my late father knew very well what mushrooms were safe to eat.

At that time, the mushrooms I found in the garden behind my house were mushrooms that grew from the roots of the tamarind tree. The mushroom from this plant is white in color and looks almost like a campignon mushroom but has a larger shape. The teksture and taste is very similar.

Besides tamarind tree mushrooms, I also found black ear mushrooms that grew from mango trees that had been cut down.

This black ear fungus will grow thick and is very good for harvesting. So, a few months earlier, we did cut down the mango trees and when the rainy season came, these mushrooms grew thick on their own.

After I took enough, I went home, washed all the mushrooms I had hunted, and processed them into a delicious food menu. My late father would direct what spices were needed, and what steps to cook, then I was in charge of the kitchen. LOL.

This is where I fell in love with mushrooms.

By the way, for this time, I will cook this campignon mushroom with a mixture of other ingredients, such as; tofu silk, meatball, and pakcoy. So, let's move on to how to make this delicious mushroom dish!


  • 200gr Campignon Mushroom
  • pakcoy
  • five meatballs
  • silken tofu
  • three red chilies
  • five cloves of red onion
  • two cloves of garlic
  • vegetable oil for frying
  • sweet soy sauce
  • salt
  • less water
  • pepper powder
  • spring onion


  • pan
  • spatula


  • wash all materials and equipment that will be used
  • Slice the silken tofu into small dice, then fry until half cooked
  • Slice the campignon mushrooms into small pieces, also the meatballs are sliced ​​the same size.
  • Cut the pakcoy with a length of two centimeters. Remove the base.
  • Slice the carrots thinly.
  • thinly sliced ​​red onion, garlic. And slice the red chilies obliquely.
  • Slice the spring onions into small pieces.
  • prepare a frying pan and a spatula. Turn on the stove then put a little vegetable oil in the pan.
  • when it's hot, add the chopped spices. Saute and stir until golden and fragrant.
  • after fragrant, enter the carrots first, then add a little water so that the carrots soften quickly.
  • after the texture of the carrots is soft, add the mushrooms, meatballs, and fried tofu. Add salt, seasoning and ground pepper.
  • after all mixed well, lastly add the spring onion and pakcoy. Cook until all cooked. Taste for delicacy, when it's just right, remove and Mushroom Campignon mix tofu pakcoy is ready to be served!

For this dish, I deliberately cooked it with a less spicy taste. Because my two nephews are still small.

Okay, thanks for being willing to follow my blog. Look forward to the next menu. Happy weekend and all the best!

All photos are mine and taken with oppo reno 5f

Titis N

Hi, I am the child of the universe, I like to read books with various genres. I was born in the city of batik but can't draw batik yet. I want to be a novelist, but my works are only short poems that are included in anthology books.

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