🥰🙃A nice plate of Sunday food 😃🥰

It's Sunday evening. And today I felt for some nice cooking. The past few days it was too hot for cooking I mean it's already very hot outside and then I must stand in front of a very hot stove also eish no-no. But today I told my husband I'll cook some nice food even though it was hot.

I decided to go to the shop Ok Foods and I was walking through where the vegetables are and I bought a quarter of a pumpkin it was cheap. It was only R5.
And I bought a packet of carrots for R10.

When we got home I just rested for a while and then I started with the food. What I made was chicken with Thai green curry rice and pumpkin.

Here is a plate that I made.
Let me show you how I prepared this nice lovely plate of Sunday food🥰

To start my food I took two big pieces of chicken and added them to a pot with water, chicken spice, and some salt.

I cooked it for about an hour and a half.
When the chicken was cooked I took the chicken and deboned it and then I did chicken winemaking. After I did that I put it aside.

The next step what I did was to take two potatoes 1 carrot and 1 onion chop them up and add them to the water of the chicken to let it cook.

I took a cup of rice rinsed all the starch and then I add some water and salt to cook.

Now it's the pumpkin's time to get cooking. My husband helped me cut the pumpkin blocks And then I took some real butter and half of a cup of sugar add it to the stove also to cook.
Some people cook it with water and after the pumpkin is done then they add some sugar and butter. But most of the people cook it this way like I do. Add the sugar and butter and cook. The pumpkin gets cooked in the sugar and butter sauce.

So the potatoes and carrots are soften and then I took the chicken add it to the pot again.
I brought this packet of sauce called cook-in sauce. It was a tai green curry flavor. I added it to a cup with milk stirring it well and added it to the food. It cooked for a few minutes and it was done.

Well, the food was done and we ate a nice plate of food.
Now it's a new week and it's still a school holiday for a week. My son is going to visit his grandparents on Wednesday until the weekend so that this mamma can rest for a while. I must say he is sometimes a handful.
But hey it's kids. They have to be haha.

I hope that you guys going to have a wonderful week.
God Bless and be safe.
Cheers for now. 👋👋💕🙏

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