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Simple Recipe with Turnip and Chicken 🥗

Hello all Hivers,

In every meal in a Vietnamese family, there are usually 2 main dishes, which are savory dish and soup (with lots of water). The soup is made from kinds of bulb such as potatoes, pumpkin or turnips and from vegetables such as mustard green or water spinach. Today I am going to introduce a very simple recipe to make chicken radish soup. This is my family's favorite dish on autumn day

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White radish should be chosen not too old because it will be dry and bitter when eaten, let's choose the young turnip and it will be very sweet


1 radish
300g chicken
Salt, fish sauce

The ingredients are easy to find and after about 30 minutes of cooking you have a very quality soup and good for your health

Let's start cooking

Step 1: Sautee shallot and chicken
On this step, I put on high heat so that the chicken keeps the moisture and sweetness of the meat

Step 2: Put 700ml of water in the cooker to boil the chicken
Time to boil about 20 minutes for very sweet water

Step 3: Put the chopped radish into the broth
Add 1 tablespoon fish sauce, a little salt

Step 4: When the radish is ripe, add scallion to make the dish more fragrant and delicious

Serve in a bowl and enjoy

This is a very easy and simple soup, isn't it? The steps are not too complicated and you'll have a delicious dish. I will eat dinner with my parents and talk about the hard-working day

Have a nice dinner and share with me your meal today. Thanks for reading❤❤