Lemony Apple Squares (Almas Pite)

What's Up, Guys 🤗

It is Thanksgiving weekend here in Canada, and that means we start decorating Halloween 😍😍😍😍

As soon as you stepped outside the house, you can smell turkey aroma in the air. I wonder which neighbors house I should knock on 🤣🤣🤣🤣

I haven't had Thanksgiving turkey dinner for years it feels. Somebody invite me! 🤣

This momma hasn't prepare proper Thanksgiving meals for ages for sure. We stopped turkey dinner in 2016. This year my oldest asked for it, but this momma is lazy 😬


We harvested our apples last week and turned some into this following baked good 😋


15 apples, skin, core, grate
1 lemon, grate the peel, set aside, then juice it, set aside
1/3 c sugar
2 tbsp cinnamon honey
1/2 heaping tsp cinnamon powder


At least 400 g (or 3 c) enriched flour
1 egg
3 tsp instant yeast
1 tbsp sugar
Enough milk (watch the video)
160 g unsalted butter, room tempt

Steps in the video yah 🤗

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